I have been really slacking on puting updated posts on here these last few months :( BUT that will change I promise!! I dont have any pictures to post right now because I am actually at work and dont have my camera. I just want to write about all the NEW things Carter has been up to these last couple months! First, He is on Stage 3 foods now and also eats alot of people food. He LOVES big people food :) He has tried many different things like; Brocoli, potatoes, bread, noodles, Graham crackers (he loves these), biscuits, mandarin oranges, ham, yogurt, cheese, and those little "Puffs" cookies Gerber makes!! He has grown so much since Christmas! He can chew food now, well, gum food...haha!! Its Crazy. Developmental wise, he has changed ALOT! He can clap his hands when you tell him too, he can pick up little foods with his fingers and feed himself, He can crawl forward and backward, He can stand up while holding on to something, He can hold his sippy cup and drink all by himself, hold a bottle (although, he is pretty lazy when it comes to this) AND he even throws little fits when he doesnt get his way! He is also at the age where seperation anxiety kicks in and BOY has it! When I leave a room that he is in he SCREAMS!! Poor guy, but its cute because that just means he misses me :)
When it comes to Growth he is a big boy now! He is 19.6 lbs, and almost 28 inches long! He has 2 bottom teeth and I really do think the 2 top will be coming in VERY soon! He is really growing up so fast, next week (March 21) will be his 10 month old B-day! I cant believe its been 10 months already :) He is our little Blessing and brings SO much Happiness into our lives everyday! Anyway, thats it for now!!I will have LOTS of pictures to post later to make up for not posting in a while. Have a great day!