Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Pee-Wee Soccer, session #2!
(Warning…this is a ‘no picture post’!)
Basically, last night was pretty exhausting! That’s why I am typing this tonight..I was ready to just relax once Carter went to bed last night.
I think Mandi and I both agree that maybe soccer just isn’t their (Carter & Bailey) sport. Carter actually did better this week vs. last week, but it still wasn’t great! I guess it’s as good as you can expect a 2 yr old to take it though, especially with these sessions being SO crowded with parents and children. I mean, there was literally every bit of 60 – 70 people there last night. Its just hectic and a little overwhelming for them, I think. However, we are going to try again next week, I don’t want to give up just yet :)
So, onto my recap….
Soccer session # 2 started off with Carter telling me he wanted to go home the whole way down the road on our way to the field! I got him Chick Fil A and he ate really good so that put him in a better mood. Once we got there they had already started playing games so we kinda had to jump right in. They ‘jumped’ with the ball in they’re feet (he didn’t like that), kicked the ball back and forth to the parents (he liked this one, but had a hard time staying focused lol), and did Red Light, Green Light again…which Carter did really good at this time :)
THEN…. there was an accident! Carter and Bailey were both running toward each other, neither one paying attention, and slammed right into one another, heads banging and all! They both fell on they’re backs and immediately got up screaming! I felt so bad for them :( They cried for a good 5 minutes and then we pretty much called it a night. Even though they were fine, I think we were all a little frustrated at this point, not to mention tired…so we all headed home.
So, that pretty much wraps up our night!! I don’t have any pictures because this week I took Carter alone, which was a lot harder. Last week I had Olivia and CJ’s help, but this week CJ had to work late!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Farm livin’
This week is Soy Bean week…..
That’s when all the Soy Bean’s that Grandad (pictured below) had planted earlier this year get harvested & sold.
And me and this mighty fine little gentleman don’t mind one bit watching the action ;)
IN FACT, he gets very enthusiastic about it….
“BIG Combine mommy!” Yes, he really knows what a combine is!!
“Hey, dats my grandad!” & he is very proud of his Grandad :)
And I am very proud of him for letting me snap away and take all these pictures of his amazing little self!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Fair 2010
This year at the fair was a little different than last year. I thought that with Carter being older now he would enjoy it more…ride some rides, just have fun! Well, it didn’t quite happen that way ;) It was still fun, just not how I thought it would turn out.
This was the second attempt to get Carter on a ride and literally 2 seconds after CJ snapped this photo, Carter wanted outta there ;)
We got to the fair pretty much right when it opened, just like last year. It was nice because it was still cool out and not as crowded. Carter woke up really early Saturday morning so that was the first issue-he was tired! Second, he just wasn’t into all the rides like I thought he would be! SO, since we had already purchased our tickets, CJ and Jimmy rode some rides while Carter and I watched.
As you can see, he wasn’t all too fond of watching either! He was worried about Daddy on the rides, poor guy! I kept telling him Daddy was okay and he finally calmed down…
To make him feel better, Daddy won him a prize :)
My boy and me….
Jimmy was having fun, haha!
The one thing he actually DID want to go see, the cows…..but then..
He looked at me and said “Mommy, dey stink!” Ha!!
So, as you can see, we had an okay time, just not spectacular! Next year I think we will try to go in the afternoon or evening, just to try something different! I also think he will be more outgoing when it comes to rides, but we’ll see.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pee Wee Soccer!
Tonight was Carter’s first soccer session…..& before we left for the field we just had to get some pictures of our little guy in his gear!
Notice the baseball shirt? LOL, even though he was excited about soccer, he just HAD to wear this shirt. Ahhh, don’t get me wrong I like soccer, but T-Ball can’t come soon enough for this kid!
Carter & Bailey
Funny story…. We asked Carter to give Bailey a kiss right after this picture was taken and he didn’t hesitate one bit! He leaned in to plant one on her and she leaned back and said “nope!” and shook her head, ha!! It was adorable :)