Short and sweet and right to the pictures :)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Big News!
I have some WONDERFUL news to share! Last night, Carter pooped on the potty for the first time EVER!
I did not take a picture of his poo ;) But please believe we were jumping up and down with excitement! Honestly, it was a total surprise for all of us. Carter has been doing very well pee’ing on the potty, but we had not graduated to #2’s yet. I was not pushing it either because I figured he would go when he was ready. We’ve talked about it, but decided we would let HIM decide when it was the right time.
Well, last night I could see that he was having a hard time going in his diaper. When I asked him if he was okay, he said he wanted to go on the potty! So, of course I jumped on it and led him to the bathroom! At first, he was hesitant to sit down, but once he did-BOOM a miracle happened :) He was SOO proud of himself and we all clapped with excitement! I hope that this continues and soon no diapers will be needed… but we will let him go at his own pace! I am looking forward to seeing how things go :)
Oh Christmas Tree… Ohh Christmas Tree
Every year on Black Friday, its a tradition in the Steinhauser home to set up the Christmas decorations and tree! Denise has been doing this since CJ and Jimmy were little and everyone loves it because, well, who wouldn't want to enjoy xmas AS LONG as possible?!
Friday night, after a long day of decorating…
The tree was finally done :)
Stocking’s hung…
Ohh …and I can’t forget about my prints that finally came in the mail. Denise asked that I blow one in particular up for a frame she had been given as a gift. She fell in love with this picture of Carter and I am very proud of it also :)
Our decorations in the basement… Thanks to the Christmas Tree Shoppe (I love that place!) We went there on Black Friday after dropping Carter off at my moms for a sleep over that afternoon.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010, Continued…
Its Sunday and that means that our long four day weekend has finally come to an end. I am also just now getting around to blogging and posting pictures due to our busy weekend.
Thanksgiving this year was wonderful, as always. We spent the first half of the day with the Steinhauser family and the second half with the Gable family!
Now, onto the pictures:
The whole gang… Thanksgiving, 2010
Us :)
Carl & Denise
Carter and Uncle John
Denise, Nana, and Uncle John
Jenny, Johnny, and Mikey
Everyone playing cards after we got home from my parents house…
The next morning, bright and early, setting up our Christmas Tree :)
Well, that was our Thanksgiving! So sad to see it come to an end, but surely looking forward to next year and the many more to come!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
First off, I just want to say thanks to everyone for the encouraging comments on my previous post!! It feels good to have all the ‘mommy’ support ;) However, and I am a sorry to say that my impatient self did not end up waiting like I said I would!! Yesterday afternoon I took him to Pediatric After Hours to get checked and now he is on Zithromicen for a sinus and throat infection. Its not Strep, but it is an infection.
Today was better, his fever did not return until this evening around 5-ish and it was only 100.1 but I still gave him Advil because he was whining about his throat hurting. Hopefully tomorrow his throat feels all better and his fever is 100% gone for good! I’m definitely glad this week is a short one… keeping my fingers crossed that everything’s all clear for Thanksgiving!!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
We Heart PJ’S
I’m sad to say that Carter developed a fever yesterday morning…So, our weekend hasn’t been that great! I am CJ is forcing myself me to wait until tomorrow to take him to the doctor. Every time we go to Patient First, I leave mad and end up taking him to Dr. Mena the next day anyway. I just need to learn to be a little more patient in these instances and give whatever is brewing in his body enough time to brew that way its not a guessing game as to what it is. Despite my anxiety, this time, I am waiting…. even though I CAN’T STAND IT!
(Photo’s from a few days ago… I Haven’t taken any new pictures of my sick boy! So for now, these are it!)
I know I seem a bit frustrated in this post and I’m not gonna lie, I am. I just get tired of these post’s…”sick again” they happen too often in my opinion. But, the last time I vented to the doctor about how I feel Carter gets sick too much she said “On average most children his age have 10 colds/viruses a year-that’s practically once a month! Its normal-especially daycare kids!” So, I guess I just need to face facts and DEAL with it… ; )
Hopefully today goes good, but if not, we’ll be heading to the Dr. tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A bunch of dots? Well, I couldn’t think of a better title, so there ya have it!
Last weekend was pretty low-key. Saturday Carter and I went to a baby shower and Sunday we hung out at my parents house for a while. This week, some big news to share…. Carl was finally able to come home today :) I didn’t take any pictures today, but for now I will leave you with some from the weekend!
Sunday was so pretty out. I went a little camera crazy ;)
Carter and Pap’s playing cars
That's it for now!! Two more days of work till the weekend :)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Here we are again…
Another week has gone by and now we’re already into our second week of November! I know, I still can’t believe it either… time is just flying by these days.
First off let me say, Happy Veteran’s Day! & Thank you to all the soldier’s who have fought for our country in the past and those still fighting today! Second, this week has been pretty laid back so far. I only picked up my camera one time all week and it was to take these…
I just love footie PJ’s :) Denise picked two cute pair up for Carter earlier in the week since it’s getting colder out and I just had to get some pictures of my baby in them! He was eating his snack and watching Diego when I got these.
Let me see, what else is new? Well, I’ve been going to bed pretty early all week, earlier than usual that is. Mainly because Carter has been waking up a lot at night these last few days. He wakes up wanting to come to our bed or asking to go upstairs-not sure what that’s all about! But, hopefully this doesn’t turn into a long term issue. I did notice that his back molars were poking through the other day when he was brushing his teeth, so maybe that has something to do with it…I don’t know!
Other than that, not much going on! Tuesday we went to Target and met up with Aunt Amanda to get some clothes that my friend Jessica’s son grew out of, and she was so kind to pass on to us :) Yesterday we played outside for a while before dinner then went to bed early. And today, Carter spent the day with my mom while Denise had a girls day and CJ & I went to visit Carl. He is still having his rough days, but seems to be feeling a little better. We just have to take it day by day I guess, but prayer works so if everyone could please keep them going-it would be much appreciated :)
Well, I think that’s it for now. Tomorrow is finally Friday and I couldn’t be more ready for two days off!