Since Callie’s was born, we’ve been busy trying to get used to our new life as a bigger family! So far, its been pretty good. It’s definitely challenging at times, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything :)
CJ spent most of last week at home with us girls, but has returned to work this week. We miss him, but its nice to have alone time with my girl too! This week is the first since we’ve been home from the hospital, that we aren’t booked up with doctor’s appointments too, which is nice! Yesterday I had my two week check up with Dr. Ali, which went fine. And, I actually ran Callie over to the pediatrician while I was close by to have them check out her belly button. It just looked a little crusty to me and I wanted to get some peace of mind about it. They looked at it and said it’s healing just fine, so I was relieved. She also got weighed while we were there and is up to 7lbs 3 oz! Our girl is growing nicely :) So, I’m a happy momma! Also yesterday, the Indian Head Base and Daycare was without power until around 8:30am. So, Denise brought Carter to her work until power was restored. She said he entertained her whole office and was on his best behavior there! He even went outside and played soccer with a coworker, lucky kid! She said he had a blast and sent CJ this picture….
Big brother Carter has been doing such a good job helping mommy out! He helps me bathe her, and sings to her when she cries. He has his moments where you can tell he is showing off for attention, but its just going to take some time for him to get used to sharing the spotlight I guess! Really though, he is super gentle and helpful with his little sis, which couldn’t make me more proud!
As far as Callie goes, she has been just wonderful! She’s usually a content baby, but has her fussy moments, like all babies do. Last night she cried for over an hour, and I have to admit, it made me a little nervous! Carter had colic pretty bad, so I automatically started thinking back to those days! I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if little miss will follow in her brother’s foot steps, fingers crossed it was a one night thing ; )
Its been a few days since I’ve blogged… and we didn’t do much over the weekend. Saturday Carter, Callie, and I spent the day at home while Daddy helped load some stuff out of his Nana’s house. It nice having time with both kids, but definitely tiring LOL. Sunday, we ran too late to make it to Luke’s bday party, but later in the afternoon we visited my family for a bit. Carter had fun riding bikes with his uncles and aunt and Callie hung out with Paps :)
As far as today goes, we are just hanging out at home! I’m going to try and get some cute outdoor pictures later, since its so pretty out!