Today we just lounged around the house after work & daycare! Not really much going on....It actually started to thunderstorm really bad right before I got on here to post. Its calmed down now, but it was pretty crazy outside! Luckily, Carter was fast alseep before it started. Otherwise, it probably would have kept him up....he is so noisy, haha!! Anyway, here are some cute pictures of him playing today!
Little feet
He LOVES this blanket! && this blanket was given to me by my mom. My abuela (thats spanish for grandma) made it for Uncle Johnny (my middle brother) when he was a its old. You would think he would like one of the many new blankets he has, but oh no! This one is his favorite! Its soft though and very light, he likes that because it doesnt make him hot. He sleeps with it every night!
He looks like Mother Theresa, haha
Helping uncle Jimmy with the dishes
More tomorrow......Good nite everyone ;)
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