Here is a recap of how we spent it :)
Friday we hung out at home and relaxed! Grandad took Carter for a ride on the Mule and then we had dinner and Carter went to bed around 8. Mommy and Daddy stayed up to watch a movie & then we also went to bed because Daddy was going hunting with his friends the next day EARLY :) They Goose hunting down by the pond on our farm!
Here is Carter all bundled up & ready to go for a ride with Grandad :)
Then on Saturday…Carter went with Grammy to visit Nana for a couple hours and Mommy and Daddy went to Walmart. When we got home Carter & Grammy came soon after and he had something new to show us! Nana gave him his own Vacuum :) He loves it soo much! You all know this is one of his favvorritte things, lol
As much as he loves to clean, he also LOVES to make messes too …
Then it was dinner time, yum! Carter was soo proud that he was using his spoon to pick up his peas haha! Look at this face, its priceless! && look at those teeth!
Sunday morning!! Happy again :-) He tried Scrapple this morning too and loved it! He also ate a waffle, lol piggy!
Baby blues, gotta love em’
PS.. Carter’s 8th tooth poked through on Saturday :) Now he has 4 on bottom and 4 on top!! My baby’s growing up ;*)
Today we are just going to hang at home and watch the game! GO REDSKINS!! Hope everyone has a good Sunday!
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