Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday & Saturday

I feel like jumping up and down & screaming at the top of my lungs Halleluja!! lol, wanna know why?? ahem, well its because we are sleeping again! I never thought in my wildest dreams that it would only take 4 days to get this little guy to sleep in his crib, but it’s true! Four days is all it took for this child of mine (in all of his stubborn, hot headed ways!) to sleep in his crib all night long! I am still pinching myself : ) its great! Last night was perfect in every way. I kissed him good night and as I walked out I held my breath for that cry “mommy, mommy!” but nope, not one peep! So I crept back in to catch a peek & to my surprise, he was all snuggled up with his blanket and his dog falling asleep! That was a good feeling. Now I know that we did the right thing and I couldn’t be more happy!

Okay-on to other weekend news….well. um. There isn’t any! We haven’t done anything really! Today Carter was happy and playful. At nap time (noon) CJ & I headed out in the snow to check out that Cash for Gold place, but we weren’t impressed. Then we went and got Carter a pair of Tim’s (daddy’s favorite boots!) for Christmas! I can’t wait to dress him up in them! Then we came home and we’ve been relaxing ever since. Carter went to bed at 7:30 tonight and now I am writing this before I go watch some TV with my hubby. Tomorrow we are going to church and then out to lunch at Texas Roadhouse for Uncle Carson’s birthday :) Hopefully the weather is better tomorrow! Until then, here are some pictures from last night and today.


Some Christmas decorations around our house



I love the way the tree looks in the sun room :)


Bath fun

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Crib fun…IMG_1721

This is his little “Jungle” music player that he falls asleep to every night now. It cuts off after 3 songs I think…just long enough to put him to sleep! IMG_1723

His dog.. “mo mo”  IMG_1731IMG_1724 IMG_1725



Worn out…pheww...




Getting longer ;)


Okay now this is weird! This afternoon Carter was eating a slice of pizza and mommy was eating Nutella with apples (for those of you who don’t know what that is, its a scrumptous chocolaty have to try it! I usually eat it with toast, but got curious today and tried apples-ehh better with toast!) anyway, this kid starts dipping his pizza in the nutella spread and eating it! I was worried because its made with hazelnuts and everything I’ve read says to wait until your child is at least 2 before giving them peanuts or any nuts at all! However, he is very fast and it was too late. Plus, on Halloween he grabbed a peanut butter cookie and started eating it before I could stop him, but he didn’t have any reaction! So I wasn’t that worried about him trying it and thus far, no reaction from it. I just couldn’t believe he ate it, it was gross and funny at the same time, but he seemed to love it!

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Okay, I’m really done for now-until tomorrow that is! Goodnite!


Abbie said...

your christmas is beautiful! it looks soo cool in that room!

Mandi said...

I agree, your Christmas decorating is so beautiful in your house!! And, great news about Carter!

The Marsh's said...

I'm SO glad he's sleeping better, i love that picture of him reading in his crib!!