Saturday, January 9, 2010

Belly ache?!


Tonight right after Carter was done eating his snack, he threw up! Not really sure why…he hasn’t thrown up since and that was at 7:15pm. He was drinking his chocolate milk pretty fast and almost finished the whole cup, but still I’m a little worried. I guess that’s what mom’s do best though.

He’s been fine all day. We went to BJ’s with Granny and Carter didn’t get a good nap in since we were out, but he did fall asleep on the ride home and slept for about an hour. Then he played, ate dinner, took his bath and played some more. It almost seemed like he just drank his milk too fast and then he had a huge burp…well when he burped, he threw up all the milk and some of his snack. But, like I said, he was fine afterwards and has been asleep for almost an hour now. weird!

I just hope he doesn’t have a stomach bug or anything, those are the worst! I keep going in his room to check on him and he’s sleeping fine right now. Hopefully he doesn’t get sick anymore. I’m going to go to bed and keep the monitor close to me just in case, but I’m praying that it was just overeating or something that caused it! Say a little prayer for him and I’ll update tomorrow about how our night went.

1 comment:

Diana said...

I hope it was just Carter drinking his milk too fast and nothing more!