Monday, February 8, 2010

We're still here...

Yes, we're still here everyone! I know it's been a few days & no-one's heard a peep out of us since the blizzard started! Well, it's been a rough weekend for us. We lost power Friday night (well around 1am Saturday morning). It came back around 4 and we were fine until about 1:30pm Saturday afternoon. Then, it cut out again and we didn't get power back until 4pm Sunday afternoon!!! Can you say HUGE pain in the butt?! urghhh! We had generators hooked up Saturday night, but ours ran out of gas around midnight so we were freezing! CJ, Carter, and I all piled up in our bed and snuggled to keep warm. Around 6:15am Sunday morning we got up, packed up Carter's things & CJ dropped us off at my mom's while he pushed snow. We Finally came home last night around 7pm and we all just crashed! Needless to say, its been a long weekend! I am so thankful our power is back, Thank you to all the hard worker's out there that made it possible!!

I was going to blog about the snow on Saturday afternoon, but then Carter decided to give me a good scare! And when I say good scare, I mean he scared the crap outta me!! Pardon my french, lol! Two seconds was all it took for him to go into the pantry and reach up on the shelf where the Decon Mouse/Rat poison was and attempt to eat it!!!!!!!!!You heard right, poison!!!! When I saw that he had that in his hand and almost in his mouth, I ran over and smacked it all out of his hands...stuck my fingers down his throat to get any that he might have swallowed out..then rinsed his mouth out and washed his hands!! He was crying because I scared him by doing all that, but I was terrified! The first thing that popped in my head when I saw him attempting to eat that stuff was death!!!!

I called Poison Control and they told me that any type of poison mice/rat/etc is one of the TOP things kids get into & parents call about! He said that unless Carter ate several hand fulls of it, there is nothing to worry about! I was shocked to hear that! He told me I did everything right by washing him up and rinsing his mouth, but he made clear to NEVER make the child throw up in an attempt to get the bad stuff out! He also told me to keep calm because I was so frantic when I called them! But wouldn't you be?! Anyway, the gentleman I spoke with was very nice and really made me feel alot better about the whole thing! He reassured me that Carter would be just fine and the only thing to look for would be more bruising than usual or if he got a cut, more bleeding than normal because the poison is a blood thinner! If that does happen, he told me to call the doctor. However, like I said before, that would only happen if he swallowed large amounts! He said 1 or 2 pellets will just pass right through his system! Children & adults would have to consume very large amounts to harm or even kill us!

So, long frightening story, I know. That's been my weekend! That's why I haven't blogged in a few days!! Also, I forgot to bring my camera to my mom's yesterday-dumb me! Or should I say, worn-out, stressed out me?! Ha! I will have some pictures to post later on tonight after little man goes to bed! Our house looks crazy in the snow, its past my thigh! We're supposed to be getting sleet tomorrow & more snow Wednesday! All those times I wished we would get more snow in MD, well, I'm eating my words now people! This stinks!


Diana said...

OMG girl I BET you freaked out!!! I'm SO glad to hear that Carter is okay!!! He's suck CJ's son! lol.

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness, that would have scared me to death too! Glad it turned out to be nothing though...whew knew rat poison wasn't that dangerous in small doses!

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Wow, that is scarey! I am so glad everything is ok.