Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello little bug…


Or should I say Teeny, Tiny bug?! Can you see him?


Carter made a new friend……


A Lady Bug…


We named him MR. Lady Bug, Haha! It’s a “He” according to Carter!


  So Ity-Bity…..IMG_2748

I had to keep reminding him to be gentle. There were a few times where we almost had a very squished, yucky, gooey, Mr. Lady Bug ;)

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This was also the first time he has held a bug! I mean, as far as I know! I’m sure he’s come across many little creatures at daycare on the playground, but I like to think of this as the first time! There was one time last summer when we chased grasshopper’s together, but we never caught them, Haha!!!  IMG_2753 IMG_2754

This is a very good example of “The Simple Pleasures” in life. Isn’t it incredible how something so small could bring such amazement & joy?? Childhood…you gotta love it  :) IMG_2755


Jenn said...

Aww that is so cute how amazed he is about a simple thing such as a bug! Ladybugs are supposed to bring good luck ;)

The Marsh's said...

Haha, that is the cutest thing ever!!! What a sweet boy to let the little tiny bug just crawl all over him :) (if that were his'd be a different story!!!)

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

I love the last picture. That is so cute. How did he end up leaving Mr. Lady Bug? Or did Mr. Lady Bug go to bed with Carter? ha ha