Saturday, April 3, 2010


This morning Carter woke up and still had a fever, so I called the Dr. first thing to make an appointment. I’m glad I didn’t wait any longer because the Dr. said he has a “hint” /Secondary Pneumonia! She explained that only his right lung sounded like it had fluid, the other was fine. No wheezing, but I’m assuming that’s where the word secondary comes into play.

She also told me that Pneumonia is contagious, which I didn’t know. I thought it only developed after Bronchitis or an upper respiratory cold that lasted too long or wasn’t treated properly. So, we have to keep him away from other children until his fever is gone. She said that once the fever is gone he is no longer contagious. I’m sad that he is sick for Easter weekend, but now we just have to concentrate on getting him better. He is on Augmentum twice a day for 10 days, I hope it kicks this out of his system.


Still smiling even though he’s sick :)


If he makes it throughout the night with out a fever & seems like he is doing better, then we will go to church tomorrow. If not, then I guess we will have to celebrate Jesus at home! Hope everyone has a good Easter!! I will have more pictures tomorrow :) & hopefully some better news.


Mandi said...

Poor thing! I hope he feels better soon!

McNab Family said...

Awww at least the Easter bunny comes to the house to deliver his gifts!!lol