Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fly Swatter

Who would’ve thought that a $1 household item could make a kid so entertained! I mean, of all the things in the world, a Fly Swatter?! Ha!!

Yesterday at BJ’s Granny bought Carter one to keep him happy while she shopped and ever since, he’s been obsessed with it :) So much so, that he even wanted to sleep with it last I let him!! I took it out of his crib once he fell asleep just so that he wouldn’t roll on top of it and it wake him up or something, but I thought that was the funniest thing! He seems like he really gets a kick out of walking around the house and trying to find bugs to swat at. He’s trying to be the little man of the house already I guess.


& here he is in his new pajama’s we got for him yesterday at Target, too cute to pass up! IMG_3312 IMG_3313 IMG_3316 IMG_3319

Today we played outside for a little bit…and swatted at some more bugs ;)


He spotted his next victim…


What’s funny is that he’ll ask me before he gets them. He’ll say…"mommy, I get it??" but no matter what my answer is, he swats them anyway and then says “I got it!”


Maybe I should just get him a bin full of fly swatter’s for his birthday?! Haha… It’s amazing how sometimes the simplest things, like a card board box or a tent made out of blankets can make a child’s day!!


Kaiden Blake said...

Awwwww that is sooo cute and very true it doesn't take much to entertain them!! And I can't get over how cute his hair is!!!!! So glad you did it! (or should I say he kinda let you get it done lol.) Love you all!!

The Marsh's said...

LOL that's so funny...Ryder went to sleep with a tractor and Carter went to bed with a fly swatter, these boys are a trip!