Monday, June 14, 2010

Under The Weather

Its been a few days since I've posted anything, but it seems like lately I've been so busy with 'life' in general that I haven't had the energy to sit and blog at the end of the day! There just isn't enough time during the day OR night really. My days begin at 5:15 am, which is pretty darn early if you ask me!! I know some of you wake up earlier than that and I don't know how you do it. Then, I work until 3pm, then its family time or running errands, then clean up time, dinner time, bath time, bed time (for Carter), then.... CJ and I can finally spend alone time relaxing together, which I really value & appreciate! Its nice to be able to spend quality time with your husband after long days of work, kids, etc. So, after all of that, I am pooped and just ready for bed! I hope I can keep up with blogging when we have another baby because if its hard for me now, it will be even harder then ;)

As for our weekend, well, that was spent at home for the most part. Carter ended up spiking a fever Friday night and it stayed with him pretty much all weekend. We ended up taking him to Patient First yesterday because for 1, daycare requires a note before the child can come back...and 2, I am pretty low on leave at work and decided "why wait?" might as well find out what he has now rather than later. Well, I was not happy with how the Dr. examined him at all. He checked his ears, and listened to his breathing and then said "oh, he is fine..I think its just a cold." He wrote him a note for daycare and cleared him to go back today! I wasn't going to send him, but his fever never came back. I did call the CDC and told his teacher to please keep an extra close watch on him today and if his fever returns, please contact me right away! Hopefully it does not. I feel so dumb for not speaking up to that Dr. and telling him check his throat. Urghh! At least do a Strep Test and rule that out, I mean, that seems like common sense!!! I can't beat myself up over it though. He is going to the ENT tomorrow, so that makes me feel better knowing he will be checked again.

As for any new updates in Carter world? Friday I went to pick him up from daycare so that I could meet his teacher and see his new class room. He has officially moved up to the 'Toddler' room. No more 'Pre Toddler'!! His new teacher is actually an old friend because she used to be CJ & Jimmy's teacher, isn't that crazy? She has been there a long time. Carter showed me around his new room and then it was time to go home. Before we walked out he yelled "hab a nice weekend" to his teachers, which almost died laughing, and off we went!! He surprises me all the time with the things he says and does. Another thing he has started these last few days, calling me 'Mom'. He will say "Hi Mom" when he gets home from daycare sometimes. Or, he will say "Tank you, Mom" when I give him something like a treat or a toy. He still calls me "Mommy" for the most part, but I think he sounds so grown up calling me MOM already. I need to get it on video ;)

Other than that, nothing else at the moment! Hopefully this work day flies by and tonight I get some time to sit down and post some stuff.


Mandi said...

Oh my gosh, I can so hear him saying "hab a nice weekend" cute! he is super smart, and I really hope he's feeling better.
You're not alone in the blogging thing. It's very hard for me too. I usually lack during the week majorly because there's so much to do at home. I think you're doing a great job though! :)

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

I am a huge slacker on blogging. Life catches up with you every now an then and it seem like you're on the go.

Who is his teacher? Mi Mi? Just wondering, b/c you know we all went to camp together back in the day. ha ha