There have been some major improvements in the potty training area lately! For the past 2 weeks, Carter has been peeing in the potty every night before his bath and throughout the day once he gets home, here and there. I’m pretty sure he is going pretty regularly at daycare now too, hence why he is doing so well at home. At first I think I tried to push it on him before he was completely ready, but now, he comes to me and say’s “Mommy, I gonna pee in da potty!!”. I am SO proud of my boy!
Now, onto the bath time fun photo’s I have to share ……….. ;]
He likes to get the soap out himself and wash his belly!
I’ve heard alot of stories from other parents about how they can’t get there child to blow they’re nose or how their kids hate water on they’re face. I was never that kid that hated either of those two things. In fact, blowing my nose as a kid was a must for me when I was stuffed up, I hated the feeling of all that gunk up there. Carter is the same way, he will blow his nose for me most times when I ask with out a hassle. However, he has never liked when I rinse his hair in the bath. Until yesterday….
he discovered…
that it’s really..
not so bad..
after all :)
I’m glad he finally got over hating water on his face because it made getting out of the tub a work-out!
Oh and I almost forgot… I know I said before that we’ve been having a few struggles each night at bed time and how I was worried about it. Well, tonight he wanted me to rub his back to fall asleep. I am hoping for a good nights rest and hopefully a cheerful morning. Usually he wakes up really grouchy in the mornings!!!
Bailey loves to blow her nose too! Smart kids! Those pictures are soooo cute, im glad he loves getting his hair wet, I know its rough when they lean their head out the tub while you're trying to wet it! (My child) haha
Haha, this post made me laugh...I can not stand water on my face OR to blow my own nose! Mikayla doesn't seem to mind water on her face right now, but I'm no help to her in the nose blowing department. lol
Hope night time went well for you guys....we're still struggling too.
I HATE getting water on my face! So I always try to cover Ryder's with my hand, and Alan gets mad at me and dumps a whole bucket on his head so that Ryder won't have the same fear of it that I do. LOL. Love the 2 pics at the end of Carter's sweet face...what a cutie :)
That black and white picture with Carter pouring the water on himself looks really cool! I'm glad he's doing so well potty training :)
HAHA I just got a kick out of Brandy's face cover story LOL That's so great Carter is doing so good on the potty - I'm sure your ready for the day of no diapers to be here ASAP!! ;-) I LOVE all those pictures of him in the tub too =)
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