Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 weeks (& one day!)

Happy 9 weeks to me !!


I didn't blog last night because I was SO tired. All I wanted to do was go to sleep after I put Carter to bed. He was actually sick last week with Strep Throat (never blogged about that either!) and then yesterday he got sent home from daycare with a fever. Well, we took him back to the doctor to be rechecked just in case the antibiotic didn't take care of the infection and as it turns out, the doctor put him on a stronger medicine called Cephalexin and it seems to be working! Thank Goodness! Dr. Daidone did say that if he got 1 more case of Strep, we should consider taking his tonsil’s out…so when we go in March we will definitely be discussing it -weighing out the pro’s and con’s.

Now onto baby #2 :)

This week I’ve been feeling a lot more morning sickness. Unfortunately, its not just in the morning! It happens throughout the day and even at night sometimes. I just get really queasy and have to eat something small. The problem is, when I feel like that…nothing appeals to me! Hopefully this passes soon.

Cravings this week have been stronger too! For some reason Tomatoes, grits, and Grapefruit have been on my mind lately! I know, pretty random huh?!  Monday CJ went to the store and got me a whole bunch of grapefruits, they are delicious!!! :) And, I’ve always loved tomatoes but Monday night I really wanted a BLT so that's what I had and it was so good! As for the grits, well I’ve liked those for a long time now, but only eat them when we go out to eat breakfast. Well, I made them myself for the first time this morning and they were oh so yummy :)

Other than the nausea and cravings, I’m still just pretty tired most days. I have been waking up a lot in the middle of the night to pee so I think that has a lot to do with it too.

I go next Tuesday for my next appointment where they’ll probably do blood work and all that good stuff. I was supposed to go yesterday, but rescheduled thinking we were going to get a nasty snow storm. I should’ve known not to trust the weather man ;)

Finally, according to Alpha Mom our baby is:

  • Is about the size of a grape, or perhaps a cocktail olive.
  • Has fingers and toes and eyelids and ears.
  • External boy and girl-parts are present, but won’t be really distinguishable for another couple weeks.


Nicole said...

Happy 9 weeks! :)

Mandi said...

you crack me up! I hope Carter feels better, #1. But, #2, you are going to get sores in your mouth if you keep eating all them tomatoes & grapefruit! haha (I know this because those are two of my favorite things too!) haha I craved a lot of stuff like that with Bailey! Maybe it's a GIRL! ;)

The Vathes Family said...

I was just thinking the same thing as Mandy - I've heard those who crave sweet/fruits you may be more likely to have a girl - salty/meats - boy hmmm... lol I didn't necessarily like grapefruits but I couldn't get enough of oranges!!

The Marsh's said...

I was just reading the comments and I craved oranges sooooo bad with Ryder, not so much this time though, so who knows! Happy 9 weeks! Sorry the nausea is kicking in so bad this week, but this phase will pass before you know it :)

Princess Alexa's Mommy said...

Happy 9 weeks!! :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I am just findind out! You are super gorgeous by the way. I love your little family and will start checking in more often!