On the days where its not TOO terribly hot out, we still go outside to play before dinner on most afternoons. Carter can’t get enough of the outdoors and it keeps me active too, which is a good thing :)
One thing Carter loves to do is ride his new bike. He’s gotten really good on it, hardly falling off anymore. Riding his tractor is also a favorite of his. He pretends to cut the grass and will ride around the yard looking all serious and concentrating- just like his dad. Anyway, I’ve been really bad about getting pictures lately… but here are some from today of my big boy riding his bike!
He usually wears his helmet, but kept taking it off today because he said he was hot
And when Daddy gets home, this little guy gets the biggest smile on his face
Some artwork by Carter, not sure what its supposed to be, but he comes home with new art all the time now. My little preschooler ;)
Telling stories at dinner…