Thursday, June 9, 2011

Johnny’s Graduation!!

Tuesday was my brother Johnny’s High School Graduation from McDonough. Through the years he has always been a very good student, always getting A’s and B’s on his report cards. This year he averaged a 4.0 GPA all year, taking honors classes and he even got two scholarships to CSM. He has made us all very proud and watching him walk across that stage was a happy moment for us all.

I will get straight to the pictures because there are quite a few :)

2011_06_06_5392 2011_06_06_5402 Graduationday2011 2011_06_06_5405 2011_06_06_5406

All smiles after getting his diploma


Class of 2011 classof2011

Johnny & his girlfriend Marissa


Proud parents with the graduate MomJohnnyDad2011familyatgraduation2011graduation2011graduation2011(2)DaddyJohnnyDito2011graduation2011(6)Johnny&Dito2011graduation2011(5)The sisters with Johnny           Sisters&Johnny2011

After the ceremony we went out to eat! And after that, I went home! I didn't get home until 2:30 so it was good that I took the whole day off and I’m also glad I decided not to bring Carter with me. It turned out to be a very hot day and very hectic up there, so it would have just been too hard on both of us.

This whole day just brought back so many memories from my graduation and that time period in my life. So, needless to say, it was bittersweet. It makes you realize how you have to cherish every experience because before you know it, those moments become memories!

Congratulation’s again Johnny! We love you and are so proud of you :)

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

Awww you guys got some really cute family shots, love your dress!!