Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Callie’s 6 Month Post


It's still hard to believe that six months have come and gone already! Here's what our favorite girl has been up to these days...



Most days she is just enjoying baby life. Playing with her big brother has become a daily thing now. She really interacts with him (and everyone) now! When he enters a room, she lights up. He's like a Jester, constantly dancing and singing to make her laugh. He brings her toys and pushes her around in the walker...something they both have a blast doing. I am lucky in that he is high energy in that area, he never gets tired of doing fun things with his sis.



Besides Carter, Little sister has become familiar with all of the faces in the house and started showing a shyness for strangers. She is so smiley and happy most of the time. When Daddy comes walking in and says "I see you lookin' at me!" She gets her arms swinging with excitement. She says "Ba" and Da-Da" all the time now. And actually, here as of lately, she has been saying "Maaaa!" when she is upset and wants to be picked up! The girl knows her momma ;)

She is picking up toys with both hands and transferring them from one hand to the other! She is banging toys together and will bang toys on hard surfaces to hear the noise they make. She is also famous for dropping things on purpose, just to see where they fall, Lol. Like her Binki...MAN, she drops that thing ALL the time. She loves to pull hair....My hair especially! Nobody is safe though, not Carter, Daddy, Grammy, Mimaw, or even friends at Daycare. This girl has sticky fingers for hair! She loves to twirl it around in her hands, rub it on her face, eat it, and tangle it all up ;)

Some of Callie's favorite things are her pink blanket. It is the same exact blanket as big brothers, but pink, courtesy of Mima :) Both kids love these blankets because they are very soft and thin. She also loves her Binki's! When she is tired, those are the two things she wants..her blanket and binki.

She loves pears and sweet potatoes.


She loves to sit up and look around while playing with toys :)

And last, but not least, she loves her mommy, daddy, and big brother!

Milestones met this month:

-Sitting up

-Callie got her first tooth on February 21st.

-Starting to push up on knees

-Said "Maaaa-Ma!" a couple times :)

Callies stat's:
16 lbs 10 oz - 50%
25 1/2 inches long- Between 25% and 50%
Head Circum is 17 1/2 inches - 50%

Okay, now that we've covered all of that good stuff, I will update on the other 'not so good' stuff.
At Callie's 6 month Well Baby on Feb. 7th we had a scare when she held her breath after the second Vaccine was given, the PVC13. It was almost as if the nurse should have waited until she calmed down from crying after the first shot to let her catch her breath and it would have been fine. I mean, she's never had any problems before. But, she immediately stuck her with the second shot and Callie just froze. She had a look of shock on her face and no sound, no tears, no breathing. So, I grabbed her up, shook her and called her name and she snapped out of it. The nurse ran and got the doctor, who examined her and decided it was best to wait on the DTap for another few weeks, to give her time, just to be safe.

The next day I had a meeting with Callie and Carter's teachers at CDC. During Callie's meeting, her teacher informed me that she had had an episode like that the day before (morning of her shots). I was very angry that they didn't call me and tell me about it immediately and told them to call me right away should it happen again and they assured me they would. Anyway, as angry as I was (and still am) I called the doctor as soon as we left to tell them about it. They felt it was best to get her seen by a neurologist at Children's, just to rule out seizures or another condition. My heart sank when they said that, but I wanted to get to the bottom of it, so I was anxious for our appointment that whole weekend before. Saturday, we went to a friends on Saturday night to get out for a bit. Callie came with me for a girls only  "wine tasting'. It was a fun night, but right before leaving she was so exhausted and ready for bed that when I went to put her in her car seat she let out a HARD cry and immediately passed out. I picked her up so quick, called her name, shook her and after a couple seconds, she woke up. This was by far the scariest moment for me. She went completely limp... no breath, NOTHING! Thank God my sister was with me when it happened because I was a wreck. After that she was fine and we went home and I TRIED to get some sleep. She slept like normal that night and  the rest of the weekend was fine and no more spells.

We went to Children's for her appointment on Monday, February 13th. The Neurologist she saw and Cardiologist both examined her and felt she was/is having breath holding spells. They did blood work, a physical exam, and an EKG and both felt she was very healthy and just having trouble with holding her breath in an upsetting, scary or painful situation, like with the shots or at Jessica's when she was over tired and got upset. Anyway, we got a referral for an EEG as well, but that appointment isn't until March 20th. So, I guess we will know FOR SURE if it is seizures or anything else on the 20th, but until then I just pray every day that she doesn't have another spell and that it is nothing more than her being a stubborn little girl holding her breath! It actually runs in the family...my sister used to do it as a baby/toddler and scare the heck out of me and CJ's uncle Johnny used to do it as a child.


Okay, so now that I have written a book on here, I promise to update as things happen and not wait a whole month again! And to everyone who reads this blog, again, please keep Callie in your prayers that everything comes out okay with her EEG.
Other than this stuff going on, we have just been enjoying our family together, the four of us! We grow to love this little girl more and more every day. Seeing her and Carter together, playing together, hearing their laughter, brings so much happiness into our lives. We are very blessed to have these two little Angels :)


Here are some pictures of our girl…a little over the 6 month mark. More like 6 & 1/2 actually….


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2012_02_19_6624  2012_02_19_6619   2012_02_19_66172012_02_19_6620

And Carter had to get in… :) These were taken right before his visit to the ENT on 2/20!



The Marsh's said...

Awww look how good she's sitting up!!! Love that big old belly!!

Diana said...

That baby is just so precious!!! I pray everything comes back okay with her EEG! That is so scary, I would've been a wreck too! Good luck with her appointment, I hope for the best for you guys!