Saturday, March 24, 2012

Goodbye Tonsil’s!

Carter's Tonsillectomy was a success! Let me get right to the update!


The night before surgery we let him stay up later than usual and eat whatever he wanted. He played outside with Daddy and ate chocolate and chips and all that good stuff for dinner :)

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That morning, as much as we read to him about the hospital and talked to him about surgery, he was still a little nervous about it. Luckily, he was given a "euphoric/amnesia drug about 30 minutes before surgery to relax him and boy did it do the trick. This kid was loopy as can be! He was acting like a person that's had one too many drinks...Lol, but it helped him when it came time to be put to sleep because instead of screaming and being terrified, he was happy and cooperated completely and doesn't even remember it!


Here he is before leaving for the hospital that morning! Such a trooper ;)

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Here he is after the Amazing/Fantastic/Wonderful “Drunk don’t remember a thing” meds kicked in! He was a mess, Ha!



After surgery, of course, he was angry and scared when he woke up! Over all though, he did really well and we came home that day and he soup and popsicles like a champ! The next day was a bit more difficult. It was by far the worst day because he would not drink, take his meds, or even swallow his own spit. We took him to get an IV at St. Marys Hospital because we could see how much pain he was in and we were worried about him dehydrating. Thankfully, the visit helped and he was back to his normal self the next day. Every day after that just got better and he recovered fairly quickly...eating chicken nuggets and all by day 6!


Here he is on our way home…. surprisingly happy and talkative after getting over the whole “I’m in a hospital and I’m MAD!” episode after first waking up!



When we took him for his 10 day post op, she was very pleased with his healing and gave him the okay to eat anything he could tolerate, which made him very happy :)

As for the ears, she removed the tubes that were almost out anyway... and his ears are healing slowly but surely. He still complains of ear pain now and then since the surgery, but she started back on the drops for a week and they seem to be helping!


His healing, in pictures….


Day 1

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Day 2..all the meds!



Day 3…MUCH better after our visit on Day 2 to St. Mary’s Hospital to get an IV. The the after surgery was by far the worst day! He couldnt even swallow his own spit. We made the call to take him to get fluids and I am so glad we did. It helped ALOT. They really should keep kids overnight after a Tonsillectomy, but that’s a rant I don’t want to get into right now, ha!



Day 8! ALL BETTER!springbroandsis2012


I skipped a few pictures in between as you can see.

It was a hectic week. Glad its over with :)


He was such a strong, brave boy through it all and we are so proud of him! It's just amazing how resilient kids are :) I Thank God that we didn't have any major complications and I am so glad it is over with now. Here's looking to a healthy, happy summer..God Willing!

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

LOL did he dress like Batman the day of surgery?? Too funny! He was a super hero through it all though, that had to be rough on him but so glad he handled everything and recovered so quickly!