Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Down at the water

Daddy & Carter
Yesterday after it cooled down a little, we took Carter down to the water :) He has been down there before, but this was his first time in the water! CJ just dunked his feet in a little, but he seemed like he was having fun! The water was nice and refreshing & he played with the seashells on the shore too!! I am SO thankful that we have this farm, it is so beautiful down on the water!! He will have so much fun growing up down here, I just know it! Here are some pictures of us playing.

The water is so pretty

I think this is one of those pictures that just speaks for itself! I was going to use this one for "One Word Wednesday" but I couldnt find the right word to describe it. Its a picture I will cherish forever because everytime I look at it, I will be taken back to this moment. This little moment. Just us....

Once you have a child you realize that the little things in life are what matters most<3

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

This is so sweet, I love the picture of you two on the beach!