Friday, January 13, 2012

New Year And New Things.. Carter Update!


I never blogged about our New Years Eve because we didn't do much. The kids spent the night over my parents house and stayed up late 'partying' as my mom calls it! CJ and I went to dinner and then just went home and watched a movie. Actually, this momma ended up falling asleep 10 minutes into the movie and poor CJ watched it all alone! I felt bad when I woke up the next morning and realized that happened, but it's hard to stay up when you have a baby that still wakes up at night. I'M TIRED!! And, he understood.... :)

As for other new things happening lately, this post is all about Carter!



He is quite the clown these days. Always saying some off the wall stuff that has everyone around him cracking up! Here are some of his quotes:


CJ: "Tell mommy she needs to get her roots done she looks like Medusa!"

Carter: "Yeah momma, you look like a Momma Dukes-sa!"


Me to Carter as he is going into the pantry: "Carter, you are not getting junk food. We have to eat dinner first, then you may have a treat!"

Carter: " Well, that's not part of my plan. First I eat some junk, then I eat dinner, okay?"


Grammy to Carter: “You are going to help me carry in the groceries, right?!”

Carter: “Ughh, I can’t help you, I’m too tired!”

Grammy: “But I need your help! Your not going to help me?”

Carter: “ You can do it by yourself Grammy, your Super Girl!”


Me: “ Carter, Its time for bed, so I will pat your back for 5 minutes, but after that you have to go to sleep!”

Carter: “Okay mommy, but I still love you!”

Me: “ I love you too buddy!”


Me to Carter after school: “Did you have a good day today and play with your friends?”

Carter: “No, nobody would play with me and no teachers would play with me!”

Me: “Well why not?”

Carter: “Because the teachers were too busy and Miles was mad at me!”

Me: “Why was Miles mad? You guys are friends!”

Carter: “He was mad because I had the Thomas toy, but I didn’t want to share because I wasn’t done with it yet!”

Me: “ Well you have to share, that’s what friends do! What about the other kids, NOBODY would play with you, not Hannah, not Conner?”

Carter: “No… But I don’t like Conner because he goes potty and puts poop in his mouf!”

Me: “ No he doesn’t, that is gross! Are you telling the truth or are you telling stories?”

Carter: Just smiles with his mischievous grin ;) and laughs hysterically!

(As you can see, he likes to ‘fib’ !! Oh boy!)


As for his favorite things…..

He is really into Super Hero's! Every day when he gets home from Daycare, he changes into some sort of costume! Usually it's his cowboy boots, and pajama pants and a Batman/Spiderman/Hulk/Captain America mask! Other times it's just an underwear and a mask and cape! Then he runs around the house, getting bad guys and doing "work" as he calls it!

Other days he changes into a baseball player and runs around in his cleats! Or, he could come home and just go straight to his work bench and go around the house 'fixing' things. He loves playing 'pretend' and you can really see how, at this age, their imagination is in full swing and so inventive!

Before Callie was born, Carter got 100% of my attention at all times. Since Callie joined our family, obviously I can't devote all of my attention to him anymore. He handles it well most of the time, but here lately, he has been extra sensitive and needy! He constantly wants to drag me away to play with him! Instead of being "Mr. Independent" like he usually is, he will want me to hold his hand on the steps, or brush his teeth for him. He will say "Mommy, I don't want Daddy to read me a story, I want YOU to do it!", when he sees I am trying to rock little sis to sleep. And, he will ask me to sing him lullaby's sometimes... and hold him tight like a baby after his bath while he is wrapped in his towel. I can definitely tell that he is acting this way because of Callie...and although he doesn't come right out and say it, I know there has to be some jealousy there and I think it's only normal. He isn't used to having to share his mommy and daddy.

I try to get my alone time with him, but it is harder now and I do feel bad sometimes. I don't want him to think I am giving her more love or neglecting him in any way. So, I make it a point to play with him as much as possible... even if Callie is lying on the floor watching us. Regardless of how he is acting, I am patient! Even on the days where I am exhausted and he is being difficult, I try and remember that he is only needing extra TLC and not scold him. "This too shall pass, and far too quickly" (From a poem I read and pasted on the bottom of this blog). I know I will miss these days when he is older and want them back!

Okay, onto other news, besides his behavior!

He is still a very picky eater lately! The only vegetable I can really get him to eat are green beans. He does love spaghetti and meatballs, so that is good. Most Prego sauces have full servings of veggies in them. He loves sausage and is just now starting to come around and eat eggs again! He will eat chicken nuggets and chicken legs, but doesn't really like cut up chicken breast meat for some reason! He loves steak with A-1 just like daddy:) And he will eat pork chops...sometimes!

He is still only about 30-32lbs! But he’s healthy and that's all that matters! I guess he just has a fast metabolism.

I was starting to worry that he might be color blind...because he would ALWAYS get his reds and greens mixed up! But, lately he has been doing much better and I spoke to the doctor and she said not to worry about that yet! She said we will go over it again at his 4 year check up and see then!! I feel comfortable with that, so we will wait and see. Until then I will keep working with him.


As for all other updates…. he still goes to bed early, usually by 8PM at the latest. His mornings can be pretty dificult sometimes, but it all depends on how he wakes up. When he is in bed before 8, he is usually in a better mood! He is doing excellent in school and the teachers have nothing but good reports on him. I took him to the dentist for the first time last month and he has 20 teeth and all look perfect :) He is 100% potty trained…. never having accidents in his pants now, which is a huge relief!

He is such an awesome kid and a great big brother! We couldn’t be more proud and happy to call him our son :) I know it will only get more fun and interesting from here on out!



1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

Awww what a great update on Carter :) LOL you need to get some pictures of him being a super hero! It cracks me up how he comes home and changes his own clothes, lol silly boy.