Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Carter Age 4

Since Carter turned 4 in May I got to thinking after reading Brandy's post on Ryder that it was time for me to update too. It's only been about 3 months since his birthday, but we've already had a whole new world of experiences with this kid.

I remember when I was a kid and my mom would tell me "No' to something. My sister and I were the WORST when it came to accepting it. We would push and beg and plead our case until finally, most of the time, we were able to get our way. Or meet somewhere in the middle. Boy, pay back is a _____ because Carter has mastered this skill. And he is the type of kid that will not let up. Time outs for arguing and 'pushing' for something I have said "No' too have become a daily thing around here.

While we're on the topic of punishments, teachers at school have also been having to reinforce time outs on him. The one thing that gets him in trouble the most during the course of the day is, talking during circle time (wonder where he gets that from?) and not wanting to clean up after play time! So far, he has been really good about telling us when he's gotten in trouble and most of the time his punishment for that is no TV show before bed time. He really hates this because he loves to watch Jake or Octonauts before bed. Since he is too young to really be grounded, this seems to work pretty well.

As far as attitude goes, he is usually happy and upbeat. I swear if I had his energy, the things I could accomplish, Ha! Most days he is pretty sleepy in the morning and I usually carry him upstairs. Denise, Callie, and Carter like to listen to Bon Jovi on the ride to school and I think he's memorized all the words to almost every song! His favorite is "Wanted Dead or Alive" :). Callie just sits and listens to him belt out the words while she kicks her feet.

Speaking of his little sister, she really does not realize how lucky she is yet. I get all choked up when I think about them together because he has honestly been so amazing. If she even gets near a wall outlet, even if its covered, he freaks out! He is a fast one and sometimes he flies by her and knocks her down, but immediately turns around and says "Oh sorry Callie!"! At night, he kisses her goodnight and tells her he loves her. When she is sick and we say prayers, he says "And God, please make Callie feel better!". And at the doctors, if she is getting shots or a throat culture, oh my, he is so attentive to  her...making sure she is okay and trying to cheer her up! I feel so blessed that he has been so sweet since she was born. I pray him and her continue to be close as they grow up!

As far as his 4 year old Stats go, he is still only in the 25% for weight and height! The doctor said he is growing great and pleased with everything and he is standing at almost 39 inches tall and 34.5 lbs. He got all his shots and now he doesn't have to go back for more vaccines until he is going into Middle School! We are going to have to re-do the eye test because he was a little confused with it, but I will update more on that later. He went for his second dental appointment last month and did great! No cavities :)

We've been practicing writing his first name and he is getting better by the day. He misses the R sometimes and tends to write the letter C upside down, lol, but he gets the idea, its learning. Colors have always been a concerne for me with him, and he still mixes them up at times, but he is getting better. The doctor told me we would monitor it. As far as shapes goes, he knows them all. His favorite color is blue and he loves anything super hero or sports! We are about to sign him up for Karate, so we'll see how that goes!

Before I go..........Some of the stuff that comes out of this child's mouth:

Me: Carter didn't I tell you to stop that, now stop!"

Carter: "Well I just don't care!"

Or "Whatever" has become a favorite of his. Where did this back talk come from?!

Also what he says when he talks back"

"Well I don't want to do that!", "No", "I will do it if I want to!" or just plain "GRRRRRRRRRR" with a big mean face.


"Mom, what does poop look like?! Does it look like Mudd!?"

"Mom, I can't wait to grow up like you and Daddy, I don't like being a kid its so borin!"

"Well, I wish I could fly like a super hero. Why can't I?"

"Haha, I see Callie's dimples!" (nipples, Lol)

While watching The Prince of Egypt" , the part when Moses parts the Red Sea........ Carter: "Wow, that was AHMAZIN, how'd he do that?!"

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

LOL I feel you on the talking back and pleading part...same stuff goes on in our house! Funny little guys.