Thursday, February 7, 2013

Where do I begin?

These last few months have again, slipped right away from me. I've been getting the evil eye from Grammy for a whole month now to update this blog so I figured I better not push my luck and get to blogging! ; )

The last time I posted was a big Instagram update, but we've had a lot happen since then. November started off with me taking my Home Improvement License Exam and failing. The good part is I only missed it by three questions. The bad part is I have to pay 54$ each time I take it. I crammed for about a week before the first test, which probably wasn't the best decision. Hopefully I'll do better next time. I have until March 3rd to study this time, so wish me luck!


This month Callie turned 15 months!  At this age she was becoming a lot more vocal than she already was. Her words became easier to understand and communicate to us! She moved into the pre-toddler room at Daycare with the bigger kids and adjusted very well. As a matter of fact her teachers call her "the leader of the group" because she is very outgoing and talkative.



Also in November we had fun play dates, our little buddy Kaiden's 4th Birthday party and of course Thanksgiving.


Mi-maw, Jenny, and Cal 11-4-12 ( oh and Carter in the background, not posing!)


Lunch with the girls… 11-11-12 at Panera


we stopped to get some pretty fall pictures on a random fall afternoon at the pretty church near our house!

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December came fast and it was filled with excitement, as always. Our family loves Christmas time and we had so much fun counting down the days until Santa came!


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Visiting with Maddie, Michele and John Michael

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Christmas Morning!

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Callie turned 16 months this month. We had our annual breakfast with Santa at church. Christmas came and went. And Carter caught the flu on NYE.



January 2013! Wow, this new year came in a flash. Sometimes when I reflect on a time (month, day, or Year) when I replay it in my head its almost like someone has their finger on the fast forward button. It goes so quickly now a days.

The first month of the new year started off rough for us. Carter got The Flu (type a) and was feeling pretty bad for a few days. Thankfully no one else at our house got sick. Tamiflu helped out a lot, but this year was a pretty bad one for the flu. Almost everyone got sick. Once we got over the sickness, most of our days have been spent indoors playing in the warmth! We did have our first snow this month and the kids really enjoyed it!

Callie turned 17th months old Jan 5th. All I can say is this girl is busy!!!!!!!!!!!!! She loves to play and run with her brother. She can't get enough of her baby dolls and her books.Asking if she wants to watch Barney is a good distraction in the mornings when she isn’t the most cooperative to get dressed for daycare. And her Binky's, well we have a love/hate relationship with them! She will walk around with 3 to 4 binky's in her hands at one time, like they are precious gems or something! I have to admit, I’m just as attached to them…. I’m holding onto ‘baby’ days for dear life….. it just goes by so fast!

She's definitely a momma's girl. And yes I eat it up ;) I love the way she lights up when I walk into a room or how she snuggles with me when she's sleepy. How she twirls my hair when I carry her around and how she hugs me SO tight. Sometimes it's hard for me to get a second away from her, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Aside from me, of course she loves her Daddy. He has a way of making her laugh like no other. Her big brother is also her best bud. Even though they fight like crazy sometimes, they miss each other the instant the other is not around. Her favorite show right now is Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney Junior, thanks to big brother. Anytime I turn the TV on she's immediately running around yelling "JAKEEEEEE! JAKE!".

She has mastered the word "NO" and uses it frequently! She is very strong minded and wants what she wants, when she wants it!

She wears mostly 2T clothes and is in a size 6 shoe. She wears size 4 diapers and as far as I know, is about 24lbs. She has 12 teeth and her 4 'canines’ are making their way out, slowly but surely!

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Part II of this update to come…its very big and I don't want to push my luck with Live Writer!

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

Good job catching up!!! I LOVE the pictures you guys took at the Church!! Such a cute family :)