Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Back in Business!


Let me just start off by saying Wahoooo, I’m back to the blogger world! Saying its been far too long would be an understatement! Its seriously been painfully way, way too long since I have blogged. Today I randomly looked at a couple close friends blogs that I haven’t checked out in……I’m ashamed to admit, but months! I. feel. horrible.

The beautiful thing is though, I can retrace all of these lost months and catch up! And, hopefully not make the same mistake twice. My last blog post was in February 2013. With that said, I am going to roll right into March and go on from there. Bare with me!

In the beginning of March CJ and I went on a weekend getaway with our good friends The Marsh’s! We had a lot of fun shopping and spending time together. By weekends end, I missed the kids dearly… and for some reason I cannot find a picture from that trip! Anyway, the days rolled on and the weather warmed up!


Carter started T-ball, CJ and Blake coached! It was so much fun to watch him play his first real team sport! I cannot wait until spring 2014 so we can sign him back up!


The life…..


April came fast and we had a busy month! I actually managed to pull off a MAJOR surprise for CJ’s 30th Birthday! I couldn’t have done it with out so many friends helping me. I was a nervous wreck, but it turned out great and we had so much fun!

The night before…we hounded him about getting the grass cut! Little did he know it was for his OWN party!


The morning of the party was T-ball opening day!


The only two pictures I managed to get that night!!!! It got pretty crazy Winking smile 


I don’t want to make this post too long so I am going to break it up! Live writer tends to give me a hard time with really big posts!

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

Yayyyy a blog post! Girl I dont even know how you remember what you were doing in March! LOL. I'm excited to keep reading though :)