Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It’s Been Weeks!

Shame on me for letting it go this long! But, with Callie having colic (yes, unfortunately she likes to cry just like big brother did) its hard to find the time! And whatever quiet time I do get, I usually spend it cleaning..running errands..or just trying to get some “me time”.

Anyway, I have a lot to update on, so here it goes….

These last few weeks have been pretty crazy around here. First, We had to deal with an earth quake! I still can’t believe it happened, but no damage was done. next came a hurricane-I officially hate the name Irene now! And finally, a flash flood! For a while there, it was like we couldn't catch a break…

during the hurricane, Brandy, Ryder, and Maisy decided to sleep over our house :) it was our first sleep over ever and even though we lost power… they made the time lots more fun!!



This weekend marked the one where this quiet little princess decided she wanted to show us just how loud she can get! I guess God thinks I am tough enough to handle colicky babies! The next few weeks were hard…trying to get used to the screaming again after a 3 year break wasn’t and still isn’t easy, but were making it through one day at a time!


There is one amazing thing that has happened in the last two weeks that's made the crying 10 times more bearable though…my baby girl is smiling at us :)  I don't have a picture of it yet because it usually disappears just as quickly as it comes, but I am working on it! She is also cooing up a storm! Her voice is so sweet and soft, video coming soon, promise!

Big brother is also being wonderful with his sis! He helps me bathe her, feed her, gets me diapers on call, and even helps me change the poopy diapers! Callie doesn’t realize how lucky she is yet ;)

I am typing this with one hand because little miss just wants me to hold her, that's why i am cutting this long update short. Here are some pictures from the last few weeks…more to come soon!

3 & 1/2 weeks old :)


She likes white noise sounds, the fan on the microwave, and the vacuum…. just like big brother, these sounds help calm her crying!

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My poor girl had thrush….but we got medicine for it and its much better now! This picture is when it was bad looking….

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 Some pictures of me and my 1 month old baby girl!!

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I love her :)2011_09_10_5895

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2011_09_13_5903 2011_09_13_5904 More pictures to come soon…


Caleb's mom said...

she's so pretty. I've been wondering how things were going. Hope the crying gets better soon!

Patty B said...

Oh no! I had a feeling your lack of posts was because of a fussy girl :( I hope it gets better soon! She's beautiful :)

The Marsh's said...

She's starting to look older now!! Hope you get to update again soon!

Diana said...

FINALLYYYYY! Callie is adorable! Glad eveyrthing is going well, besides the colic :( I hope it's cured soon!

The Vathes Family said...

Aw Callie looks so much bigger now!! I'm sorry you're going through all the colic again, hopefully it won't last as long this go round!

Unknown said...

Sorry that is your reality right now. Not fun. Been there and done that with Gavin and colic! What worked for us some was Gripe Water. Don't know if you have heard of it but you can find it at a whole foods or natural/organic store! Other than that I wish I had more helpful tips. I think gavin just had to get to the age where I didn't mind letting him cry it out.