Thursday, November 10, 2011

Months 1, 2, and 3!

I know that I haven't even done ONE post on Callie's age and development (Bad momma!) But I am going to attempt to do one big update on her development so far, including a 3 month post! Here it goes:

Month 1:

During the first couple weeks our girl was pretty "by the book", eating every 2 to 3 hours. And sleeping most of the time. By the 3rd week, just as every website and doctor will tell you, if your baby is going to have colic...usually it will be present by then. Sure enough, Callie started to cry A LOT at this age.

At 1 month our girl was eating every 2 to 3 hours during the day and night.

Sleeps pretty good at night, only waking to eat. Although, I did have one BAD night where little miss decided to wake up and cry off and on from 1am until about 4am. That was a hard night!

We took her to the doctor to get some advice about her crying and she was put on Zantac for Acid Reflux. Which, did not help the crying, but did help with the feedings and spitting up!

Wears NB clothes and diapers :) She is a tiny little thing

Loves to be held and snuggled

Has amazing head control and loves to look at her surroundings.

Here is our 1 month old baby girl…..


Two Months Old:

At two months old we were still having a hard time with her Colic. It wouldn't be everyday at the same time, some days she was great. Others, she would get all worked up (this could happen at any time!) and once she did, it was hard to calm her down! I started her on Soy Formula thinking it might help, but I soon realized that was a mistake. I took her off of Soy and switched her to Gentlease.

At 2 months old our girl is:

Still fitting in some NB outfits, but can also wear some of her 0-3 month clothes now. Depends on the brand.

Wears size 1 diapers

Drinks 4 ounces every 3 hours during the day, but can go longer at night. She went 6 hours this month without eating, but still didn't sleep through the night. She woke up and as soon as I would pick her up, she would go right back to sleep!

We've started a bed time routine now. Usually Callie goes to bed at the same time as Carter...sometimes a little before, sometimes a little after. She still wakes up several times throughout the night, but she is in her crib so we're making progress!

She smiles a lot now! She started smiling at 7 weeks and now does it all the time.

She loves taking baths, and being held...she is definitely a snuggler :)


Three Months old:

Wow, a lot has happened over the last 4 weeks. Let me get to it!

On top of showing us that beautiful gummy grin of hers, our girl has started to talk! She loves to 'coo' and can get pretty loud doing it! it's the sweetest sound, I love her little voice :)

I am also happy to say that her crying jags have pretty much come to an end! She still gets fussy, but what baby doesn't? Usually we can calm her down now...if she gets upset, its either because she is tired, hungry, wet, has gas (which she does still have it bad, unfortunately!) or just wants to be held. The good part is that when she does have gas, usually I can calm her down by doing leg exercises and helping her relieve some of it!

She is wearing 3 month and some 3-6 month clothes now! Pants are still smaller sizes though, my girls legs are still little! She has a pair of NB jeans she still wears :)

She is still in size 1 diaper, but only because I am waiting for them to run out, then she will be in size two! She is squeezed into a size one, so I know it's time to move up!

She has lost a lot of her hair on top. With it just naturally falling out and then me trying to get rid of the cradle cap, she looks pretty bare on top, but she's still cute. We just put her in a lot of hats to keep her head warm in this chilly weather.

She started at daycare full time this month and I went back to work! So far, she is doing ok. I call and check on her every day, a few times a day, lol. I know I probably drive those ladies crazy, but oh well.

She is still on a pretty good/consistent bedtime routine. Going down every night around 7 or 8. No sleeping through the night yet, but I pray every day that she does soon, lol!

She loves to watch Carter and all his silliness. He likes to call her by her nickname, which he made up, Callie-Cal.

She is drooling A LOT and loves to chew on her hands now! She even blows bubbles sometimes... :)

We love her so much and everyday is new and fun with her around. Here is our big girl at 3 months!


And I can’t forget to mention just how awesome of a big brother Carter is being! He is so sweet and gentle with his little sis :) Everyday he impresses me more and more with his caring and loving ways!


1 comment:

Caleb's mom said...

Love the update and pics so much! I'm glad her crying has gotten better. She's beautiful. I guess I need to update too, i've been terrible. Thank you!