Thursday, December 8, 2011

4 Months Old & Doctor Appointments

Callie turned 4 months old on Monday (Dec. 5th) and we also had her well baby visit that day….& a sick visit for Carter. He started feeling bad Sunday afternoon and came down with a slight fever & scratchy throat! So, I asked if he could be seen with Callie at her appointment. Denise met me there to help out and Thank God for her because it would have been hard if I was alone. Especially because I knew they would do a throat culture on Carter and he HATES those, so the extra hand was great!

Anyway, Carter’s test came back positive immediately for Strep :( But, I had a feeling it would…he just got over Strep over Thanksgiving and I just had this gut feeling that maybe it never went completely away! Good thing I took him and now he is on a different antibiotic, which hopefully kicks it for good this time! I was told before that he could be a carrier…and I really don’t want to get his tonsils removed if we don’t have to, but if he keeps getting throat infections, we just might have to! At least we have a good ENT, Dr. Daidone is wonderful and we love her, so if it does have to happen, I know he will be in good hands.

Now onto Callie :)

They actually did a throat culture on her too, just to be on the safe side before giving her any vaccines! Thank God that came back negative…a 4 month old with Strep would be horrible! Dr. Mena checked her out and said she is developing wonderfully! She said her head control is great and she said we can start her on cereal anytime now.

Her stats are:

13.6 lbs, 24 inches long, and head circumference is 17 inches! She is in the 50th % for all three :) So, she is growing right on target!

She got two shots..and one oral vaccine, the Rotavirus.

Since I am updating late on this…I will update on her since the shots and Carter since then too. Carter is fine! The medicine seems to have worked almost over night. However, it did last time too, so we will have to keep an eye on him. Callie got a fever that night of 101.6 which had me a little nervous! I gave her Tylenol and got it down to 100.5 and for the next day and a half it pretty much stayed like that…between 100.5 and 101! That’s one thing I hate about shots, the fevers…. they make me so nervous. But, she is fine now and being her normal self :)

Now, onto her development!

This month she finally rolled over, from tummy to back, twice! Carter and I saw her do it, but she hasn’t done it again since!

She loves grabbing at her toys and chewing on them…and her hands! She drools ALOT, so I don’t know if she is teething yet, but it sure seems like it.

She loves watching her big brother and I catch her just staring at him and smiling all the time. It melts my heart to see her look at him so lovingly already and also how sweet and caring Carter is to her. If she gets hurt or cries, he is right there, making sure she is ok! The other day I accidently clipped her skin when trying to trim her nails and he was so worried about her and told me to get her a band aid ;)

She is still wearing 3-6 month clothes for the most part! She can squeeze into some of her old 3 month onesies, but she is really stretching them, lol.

She is still wearing size 2 diapers and drinking about 4-5 ounces a feeding. I started her on cereal yesterday, but she didn’t seem to like it too much! I think it will be a slow transition!

She coo’s and babbles all the time and loves walking around looking at things, especially the Christmas tree and all the lights.

No sleeping through the night yet, but I have gotten pretty used to it now! Some nights she only wakes up once, and those are the good nights! Others, its 2 and 3 times still. ONE day…soon I hope, fingers crossed ;)

Over all she is doing great. Daycare is going great and she loves her teacher Miss Mary best (FYI she was CJ’s teacher as a baby!) We just love her SO much and enjoy watching her grow and change every week! She completes us as a family in every way…. we are blessed to have two beautiful, healthy, happy children!

Pictures to come soon!!! Our computer is acting stupid, that’s why I can’t post them tonight :/

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