Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Carter’s 1st Trip to the Dentist

Last week (Dec. 14th) was Carter’s first dentist visit and he did great! I am so glad I switched to this dentist, he was very good with Carter and I really like him. My mom goes to him and takes the kids there too, so she gave me a good reference!

Before our visit, I took Carter to Target to walk around because we had some time to kill. Plus, I wanted to talk to him about the visit and reassure him that everything would be fine. Well, since he promised to be a good boy, I bought him some new PJ’s to wear when we got home that night. He kept to his word and was excellent the whole time. He even made some friends in the waiting room and played very nicely.

Once we got back there, the doctor counted his teeth (he has 20!) and checked for cavities- all clear :) Then it was time for the cleaning…. and this part didn’t go as planned! Carter got a little “nervous” at this part and the doctor decided instead of forcing him to do it, we will wait until next time. That way we don’t scare him into never wanting to come back, which I agreed 100% and I’m glad Dr. Vass was so patient! He really is such a sweet man. Anyway, Carter got to pick a prize from the treasure chest and next time we go mommy will get a cleaning first to show him its not scary, then it will be his turn. Hopefully it works out :) Regardless, I am so proud of him for how good he was ….I can see how much he has grown into such a big boy now.

Here are some cell phone pictures.. I didn’t bring my big camera in there!

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On a side note, I have a funny story from tonight. Carter, Callie, and I were in the bathroom doing our nightly routine of brushing teeth and going potty before bed. Well, we have well water and when you first turn the sink on, it stinks! Anyone who also has well water knows the smell I am talking about, lol. Well, when I first turned the sink on, Carter said “Ew, who farted?” I laughed and said “nobody farted, its the sink…the water smells funny when you first turn it on, but it will go away in a minute!” Then Carter says “Well, why did the sink fart?” I just laughed and called him silly. The things he says now a days really have us all cracking up around here! He is something else ;) 


The Vathes Family said...

Aw good job Carter!! Glad his first dentist experience went well! :)

The Marsh's said...

What a big boy going to the dentist! He was way braver than me!!

Unknown said...

Love that big smile he is flashing after his teeth are all clean.