Friday, January 6, 2012

5 Months Old!!

Happy 5 months to our baby girl! Actually the first picture below is from 12/28, so a week shy of her five month bday! But the rest of them are from today…exactly 22 weeks from the day of her birth! Yesterday was her actual 5 month’s…but I was too tired to blog last night! So here is Callie…. growing so fast!


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As you can tell from the pictures above she has really grown! And she loves her big brother so much. She just watches him and smiles all the time. He is her entertainment. I think she, if she could, she would get up and run around with him…and I know that day will come way too fast! Where both kids will be running around this house playing together, and as much as I can’t wait for that, I also want to cherish every minute of her as a small baby because they grow up way too quickly!


Lets see what Callie is up to at 5 months:


- She eats 5-6 ounce bottles every 3-4 hours.

- We have introduced her to rice cereal, banana’s, carrots, and apple sauce…but she doesn’t really care for any of it yet! Actually the cereal is the only thing she doesn’t make a face over now… lol. The doctor told me that it was okay if she wasn’t ready yet and just to be patient and take our time, so that is what we will do!

- She sleeps about the same. Still not sleeping all night. She has her nights where she will go 5-6 hours, but not too often. Usually its every 3 hours!

-She is wearing mostly 6 month clothes now. Still in a size 2 diaper, but almost too big for those! We will have to move up soon!

-She can roll from tummy to back and back to tummy now. This week she even started pushing up with her knees when she is on her belly, almost like she is ‘scooting’!

-She coo’s all the time and squeals like no other :) She can get pretty loud, but we love her voice!

- She loves playing with her toys on the floor or in her bouncy seat! Always grabbing at things and sticking them straight in her mouth!


Can’t wait to see what next month brings!!

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

Happy 5 months Callie!! She really has grown and changed a lot this month!