Friday, February 24, 2012

A Big Time Catch Up!

We’re back! Its been awhile, I know. We have been really busy with lots of things going on and I have been so drained by the end of each day that I just haven’t had the energy to blog. Its been far too long now though and I knew I had to post soon or Brandy, Denise, and many others would probably ring my neck ;)

So, what has been going on with us? Let me get right to it. After my last post, both kids got sick back to back. First. Callie got a stomach flu on top of the cough she had been having. We crossed our fingers that no one else would get sick, but unfortunately Denise, myself, and Carl all got it. Carter, CJ and Jimmy lucked out somehow. Following that sickness, Carter got Strep…Again. This was the 3rd month in a row that he had it so I made an appointment with the ENT for February 20th.


Besides the illnesses that went on in January, we did have some fun things going on. The kids took their first bath together! They both really enjoyed it and have done it a few times since then.


Callie looks confused in this picture, but she really did have a good time ;)


Some more pictures of us just hanging around the house!


Me and Carter tried to make a Hand Mold for his room and it turned out okay….until he smeared it all up 2.5 seconds later, lol.



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Callie got better and better at sitting up alone this month too! Here are some pictures of her in her Bumbo seat eating Squash for the first time. She has tried all veggies now and most fruits. She doesn't really care for the meats yet, but I can’t blame her, I think they are gross too, HA! 

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Now onto February!

We went to Eli’s first birthday party and had a great time!!!!




This picture cracks me up! Luckily Callie can’t yell at me yet for posting bad pictures, Haha! She’s still cute though even with her lazy eye  because I snapped at an awkward moment ;) 2012_02_04_6540


Me and my girl!!! She was too distracted watching Carter to look at Daddy and Carter was too busy making friends to stop for a picture, go figure! Mr. Busy body ;) 2012_02_04_65412012_02_04_6542


Hanging with her girlfriend Maisy!

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Naps…. Carter likes to wake her up…even when she’s not ready! He says “Can I wake Callie up now? I miss her!” And even though I usually lay her down on her back, she almost always flips over onto her tummy!!


Random pictures from home… We put Callie in Carter’s old walker recently and even though her feet are far from touching the ground, she has fun with big brother pushing her around and Carter LOVES to push her too :)

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This month Callie turned 6 months old!!! 6 month post to follow asap because that one deserves a post all its own!! She had a ‘spell’ after one of her shots and it scared the crap out of me! We have taken her to Children’s since then as a precautionary measure suggested by the doctor and everything has came back to conclude that she is having “breathe holding spells”! However, we still have to get an EEG on March 20th to find out for sure. I will go more in depth in her 6 month post, but please keep her in your prayers until then!


Sitting up! I still put the boppy behind her or a pillow just in case, but she is so good now…she really doesn't need it!




 Her funny face she’s been making lately…. she pokes her bottom lip out and has this look: 2012_02_09_6571 2012_02_09_6572


I think they are making the same face in this one! Too funny :)   2012_02_09_65822012_02_09_6574  2012_02_09_6578

Carter is so sweet and patient with her. He plays so well with her. Even when she pulls his hair…and this girl loves to pull hair, he never gets angry or yells at her! He just moves her hand gently or moves away and laughs and says “oh Callie!” He has really amazed  me with how good he is to her.

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More play time pictures. This week the kids were both sick….again. Carter got Strep for the FOURTH time in a row and Callie caught a throat infection as well. Her Strep Test came back negative, but the doctor said her throat looked pretty bad so he put her on Amoxicillan. Carter bounced back right away after taking his meds, Callie had it rough for two days. In these pictures, you can’t really tell either one of them are sick though!


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Finally, onto Carter…. We met with the ENT on 2/20 and she highly suggests that we get his tonsils removed. Since he has had 4 back to back Strep infections, she thinks it is best. He has already met the ‘qouta’ for the amount they say is ‘too many’ in one year and its only been 4 months. I don’t think I would be as willing to do it if he had some time in between…. say every 3 to 4 months he got it… then I would probably say no. However, since he’s been sick and on antibiotics literally ALL winter long, I feel confident that we are making the best decision. Still, keep him in your prayers as well that surgery and recovery goes smooth! It is scheduled for March 14th!


Okay, I think I have covered everything except Callie’s 6 month post. That will come next ;)


The Marsh's said...

LOL that was definitely a big catch up post! But thanks for finally doing it, haha. I can't get over how much Callie looks like Carter as a baby! Praying for both the kids (and you!) with their health stuff going on!

The Vathes Family said...

I hope all goes well with Carter's tonsils. He'll be in my prayers!!