Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Callie's first tooth!

Callie got her first tooth today! Her and I were playing on the floor when I heard a scratch sound as she was chewing on a toy. Carter was watching Super Why and as soon as I heard it and told him...I scooped her up and we all ran to the sink so mommy could wash her hands and feel! Sure enough, I felt a sharp little tooth :) I looked and it's hard to see, but its there!! I have a lot....and I mean ALOT to update on! But I just had to blog about this ASAP...I mean this is a big deal! I promise to blog and update on all the good things that have been going on, more milestones have been met, along with some health issues (although scary, God has looked out for us through it all) that we are making progress on. I haven't been the best blogger, but I promise to change that...just be patient with me ;)

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