Monday, March 26, 2012

Callie’s EEG

Soon after big brother got his Tonsils out, it was Callie's turn to go to the hospital. On March 20th we went to her EEG appointment at Children's, finally! As much as I had been stressing about this appointment, I had also been anxious for the day to come and get it over with, so we could get the answers we were hoping for! Well my prayers were answered because I am more than happy to report that her test came back 100% NORMAL :) Thank God is all I can say...HE is awesome!



Now that I've covered the most important part of this post, let's get onto the details of the appointment. Callie's appointment was scheduled for 10AM Tuesday March 20th. We got up early and left in plenty of time to get there, but of course, we got lost...AGAIN! Did I mention how much I hate DC traffic and just DC in general?! Luckily, we made it just in time and were taken right back to the testing room. The nice lady there put about 30 probes on Callie's head and then wrapped it with a cloth so that she couldn't pull them off. I have to say, she was such a trooper for the whole test. She just sat playing with her toys and once she got sleepy, I laid her down on the table with her blanket and she was out like a light. It was actually good that she fell asleep too because they wanted to get activity for Awake and Asleep, so they got it all just like they needed. The test lasted about 45 minutes and then we were free to leave. DC on the way home was much simpler... it always happens like that with us, Lol.

Anyway, it is such a huge relief to know that she is okay and that this is all behind us now. It looks like these episodes, as scary as they may be, are “Breath holding spells”, as they call them and nothing serious.  Thanks again to everyone who kept her in your prayers and sorry it took so long to update! Next post to come... A visit to the museum! :)



The Vathes Family said...

I'm so glad to hear all went well with the EEG!!

The Marsh's said...

God is amazing and took good care of you guys, like always :)