Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Visit to The Museum

Last weekend CJ and I had plans to go to a surprise birthday party for his cousin Karen. So, my mom offered to keep the kids overnight on Saturday and then on Sunday we made plans to visit the Natural History Museum in DC. Well, the party turned out great and Karen was super surprised and happy! We had a good time and were glad to see everyone.


Sunday we woke up early and went to my parents to get the kids and follow them to the Museum. Of course, the day we choose to go, it seemed like everyone on the planet was there also. It is definitely NO FUN to walk around a museum when there is wall to wall people inside. We ended up seeing a few exhibits...the dinosaurs, under sea, precious gems, but left after that. We wanted to see the Hope Diamond, but there was no getting in there! Plus, Carter was just not in the mood to walk around... I guess he was tired because as soon as we started driving he passed out. I think it's safe to say if/when we go back, it will probably be a while!


Onto the pictures!


Looking at the T-Rex :)


Mommy bragging moment: while we were waiting for the elevator, this really nice lady walked up and said “I just have to tell you, you have the cutest baby I have ever seen! She looks like the Gerber Baby!” I thought that was so sweet :)

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1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

LOL CAllie really does look like the Gerber baby!!!!