Sunday, July 18, 2010

A HOT one


Yesterday was very humid and hot out. I don’t think the heat would’ve been as unbearable if it weren’t for the humidity! It was SO sticky out and hardly any wind. As soon as we stepped out of the car to watch CJ’s games, Carter and I both started to sweat! We stayed for about an hour and a half, but that was enough for us. Plus, Carter made me a nice little surprise in his diaper, ha, so we had to leave anyway! CJ’s team ended up losing both games which kicked them out of the tournament, but he didn’t seem too upset about it. He was ready to get out of his uniform and cool off!!



I dropped Carter off at my parents for a nap once we left the field and CJ and I went to the mall for a bit. Then, we went to Ryan’s while we waited for Carter to wake up!

Once Carter awoke, it was off to the pool :) A perfect way to chill out on a hot summer day! Ryan cooked chicken and we just hung most of the afternoon!

(PS. Please excuse the pink life jacket! Its the only one they had, ha-ha!) I need to get him a blue one.


He LOVED this raft


We left the Grant’s around 5:30 and headed home. We ate dinner, watched some TV, and then went to bed! I think we were all pooped from our long day out in the sun :)


The Gimmel Family said...

Get some $1 floaties for his arms. They are the BEST and allows more mobility than a life jacket. My boys have done great with them and they are super cheap!

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

That raft is like a mini baby pool in the water.