Monday, July 5, 2010

Our 4th Of July

This 4th of July was pretty busy, lots of fun, and most of all…… Blessed and appreciated by all :)

We got a new truck this weekend!!! Kinda spur of the moment, my husband is very impulsive for those who don’t know!! I love the new truck though. Its big and white and NOT your typical vehicle a 5’2 105 pound girl would be driving, ha!!! But, I do love it and we needed it (pictures to come soon!).

Sunday we went to church. It was a really good service and Carter did really well in the nursery! After church, we came home and hung out until it was time to head over to Alan’s Grandma’s! Once we got there, we ate, played, and played some more :) Carter and Ryder played really good together for the most part! They are at that age when everything is “Mine” so we have to constantly remind them to share and be ‘nice’ lol!

Carter ate almost 3 ears of corn, beans, watermelon, cantaloupe, and chicken when we got home! We actually left right before the fireworks were about to start though. Carter was not really feeling the loud noises too much. But, we did watch them from our porch once we got home! They were big and close enough that we could enjoy them without the big BOOMS and POWS!

Carter stayed up until 10pm and slept until almost 8am this morning! It was nice to sleep in because that doesn’t happen very often! Then, today we just hung out and relaxed! I love 3 day weekends….they really are the best!! Now, onto the pictures…


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The Marsh's said...

LOL those pictures really are like looking at Alan & CJ 20something years ago! They came out so cute though!!

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Looks like an awesome 4th. The boys looked like they had fun.