Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Carter!! (Part 1)

Yesterday CJ and I headed over to the CDC for a parent/teacher meeting and also to bring Carter’s class cupcakes for his birthday! When we got there all the children were still napping, so we used that time to meet with his teacher. She went over his accomplishments and milestones with us and overall is very impressed with his development. She said that he is excelling in all areas and although he is not fully potty trained yet, she feels he is ready for to move into the pre-school classroom. His transition will start next week! Hopefully it goes smoothly!

After the meeting, we came back to the class and woke the children up…but not before snapping a few pictures! I had to get a picture of Carter napping because he NEVER naps at home anymore and he just looked so sweet.


After waking up, he washed his hands all by himself so that he could show me how well he does it on his own! Then it was cupcake time….


Now, right after I took this picture, Carter said he just wanted to wait until we got home to eat his cupcake. He didn't wake up in the best mood. So, we told everyone bye and headed out the door :)


Now onto this morning (Carter’s actual Birthday!) We woke up bright and early and he opened gifts from Grammy & us!

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We spent the majority of our day outside playing while Daddy and Grandad worked on the swings and the yard. It was a beautiful sunny day and we had fun just enjoying it together and getting ready for the party!

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Happy 3rd Birthday big boy! Mommy & Daddy love you SO much! You have really grown into such an independent, spunky, fearless, kid! You love to be outdoors and are always imagining new adventures for mommy and you to go on. Whether it be walking (looking for bad guys) or going “huntin!” we always have a fun time together. You also have a sweet side though and kiss my mommy’s belly all the time. I know you will be a good big brother and protect your little sis Callie. This week you will be moving up into the preschool classroom at daycare and I just know you will excel in there just as you’ve done in the Toddler Room. You are very smart!!

I could go on and on about you all day, but what I am really trying to say is we are SO very proud of you and so blessed to have you as our son! Happy Birthday buddy, we love you!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your big boy! I can't wait to see the Part 2 or the sequel!

The Marsh's said...

Happy 3rd Birthday carter!!! I can't believe it has been 3 years already, but he has grown into such a handsome, smart little guy...and he's definitely all boy!

Caleb's mom said...

Happy Birthday Carter!