Friday, April 6, 2012

8 Months Old!

Wow, another month has passed already and it's time to update! I think I have said this a zillion times, but I sure do wish I could hit a pause button now and then.... it's just going so fast!

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Callie is changing so much these days. Let's see what our 8 month old is up to!

I am not sure on her height since her 6 month check up, but I just took her to the doctor for a checkup going on two weeks ago now and when they weighed her she was 18.6 lbs :) She wears mostly 9 month stuff, but actual fits into most12 month and even has some leggings that are 12-18 months that she wears, if you can believe it! She has a super cute pair of tennis shoes that grammy got her to practice her standing at daycare (so she wouldn't slip on the mat) and its paid off. Yesterday, on her 8 month bday, I saw her pull up to stand in her crib for the first time!!!!!!!! She has been pulling up onto her knees a lot this month, but she finally got all the way up onto her feet! :) She is doing the army crawl now like a pro… I see crawling in the near future!


She loves to bounce on your lap or in the crib, on her knees, or on the floor when playing. She is really getting good at reaching for toys and getting into that crawling position... it looks like she could just take off any minute! 

She just started waving bye-bye and her favorite games are peek a boo and patti cake. She likes to clap her hands when you sing it to her!


Stranger anxiety is in full affect with her these days. If she doesn’t know you or hasn’t seen you in a while, expect a cry when you first approach her. Or, at least a shy head tilt into mommy’s shoulder ;) Once she warms up to people she is happy as can be, but usually I am explaining that “its just a phase” to people…. Its funny how mom’s feel the need to apologize for these kinds of things!

When CJ or Carter walk in the room, she gets all excited. Her and Carter play so well together and you can really see her toothy grin showing now when she giggles at him and all his craziness. Still no other teeth yet, but I think they will be coming soon! Her earrings are healing up just great also and we will be able to change them soon! Two more weeks :)

She is getting better at the 'Pincer grasp"...I let her grab at Puffs on her high chair and she's getting good at it. She loves most of the stage 2 foods... but I think the chicken and sweet potatoes are her favorite! She is still drinking 6 ounces every 3 to 4 hours during the day and eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner baby food now.

Recently, I tried letting her cry it out a little and it has helped with her sleeping A LOT. Once I found out that she was okay after her EEG, I felt much better about letting her cry. Now she sleeps longer stretches and its made a huge difference in how I feel. I don't feel like a zombie anymore, Lol.

She is still saying "Da da" all day long... no Mama's yet! She has really come into her temper though...lately getting mad and even squealing when she is frustrated!

What else can I say about this girl? She keeps us laughing and brings so much joy into our house. Her and her brother are our entertainment... it's always something new with these kids. This age is so much fun and we look forward to our everyday adventures :)

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

Happy 8 months Callie! It definitely is going by so fast! I need to come over so I can see her army crawling around!! :)