Saturday, May 5, 2012

9 Months Old


This month has been full of surprise so far! Callie is officially a crawler and getting into everything. If she sees something she wants, she is after it.

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Thankfully, Carter is very patient with her so far. He never yells at her or gets rough. Usually if she is getting into a toy he doesn’t want her to play with or one that he thinks is dangerous for her, he tells her “No, no Callie!” and simply takes it away :)

Her favorite things to do are crawl, pull to stand, dance to music, and watch herself in the mirror. She also loves watching Carter run around and act silly, her blanket, and her binki!

When it comes to sleeping, we are still working on it….. will this baby ever sleep for me?! She is drinking 6 ounce bottles every 3-4 hours, eating stage 2 and 3 foods and some table foods, and drinking from a sippy cup. She wears mostly 9 to 12 month clothing and some 12 to 18 month. And, she is barely fitting into her size 3 diapers, so as soon as the ones we have run out, we are moving on up to size 4.

She finally started saying Mama :) She also says Da-da, and waves bye bye! 

Things are happening with her so quickly now… I feel like its something new everyday. I am loving every second of it though and we all can’t wait to see what happens next :)

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