Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Simple Things…

Life moves so quickly that often times I feel like we take the simple moments for granted. The day to day happenings that we can’t get back, but so desperately wish we could. We all stop every now and then and reflect back on a random Wednesday night or a Sunday afternoon filled with laughs…. just simple memories. Those are the best though, aren't they?


These are just some random pictures, from a random day during the week (April 17th-the day the rocket flew over DC!) when Callie stayed home from school due to a cold. Her and I spent the day hanging out at home..with Grandad. I soaked up every minute of this day because it took me right back to my maternity days off with her! And even though she was getting over a cold…. we enjoyed our day together :) I think Grandad was pretty happy to have us around too ;)


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I am a lucky momma. They let me snap away with my big bulky camera and don’t give me any grief for it. Well, I take that back…Carter has started to not want any pictures taken. He is too busy for me now…. with all his ‘work’ he does around the house and being ‘all grown up!” as he would say. He makes me laugh with all his ideas and imagination.


While I’m on the topic of Carter, I have to tell some funny ramblings before I forget.


Carter: Hey mom, when is Bon Jovi coming to town?

Me: Haha, oh so you like Bon Jovi huh? I don’t know when he is coming to town, but we can find out.

Carter: Yeah I like him and I want to go see him when he comes to town!”


Carter: Hey mommy, God is everywhere, right?”

Me: Yup, that's right, he is everywhere!”

Carter: So, is God in the toilet? (As he is peeing in it!)

Me: (laughing) No, God is not in the toilet buddy. That’s a nasty place, God isn’t in there!”

Carter: But you said God is EVERYWHERE! Is he in the shower curtain? Is he in the tub?” (Now he is giggling!")

Me: (trying NOT to laugh and thinking to myself, what a little smartass!) No silly, God IS everywhere, but not in those places….now lets brush your teeth!”

All I could think of to do was change the subject because I couldn't think of a good comeback to that one!

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

Awww looks like little miss enjoyed her day off with Mommy & Grandad! :)