Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Things & Updates


Yesterday was Carter’s follow-up visit with the ENT, Dr. Daidone in Calvert. I left work early to pick up CJ and meet ‘Gammy’ in La Plata to grab Carter. We made really good time, in fact, we were about an hour early for the appt! So, we decided to go to Applebee’s to eat and kill time. Plus, we were all starving and ready for some good food!

Carter had got mac n’ cheese (his new favorite!) and CJ got his usual steak, while I tried one of there new entree’s. It was really good and Carter did really well in the restaurant. He did act up here and there, but we got a booth and decided to let him sit in it without a highchair. He loved the freedom, but did keep standing up against our orders, lol! Oh well, he had fun!

We got to the appt. right on time and were in and out in less than 30 minutes. Dr. Daidone said his tubes look great, ears are perfect, and she was very pleased with how well he’s done with them. No ear infections since he got them in 7 months ago (knocking on wood as I write this ha!).

Carter was very well behaved in the office. He did poop right before we were called and it seems like that has happened EVERY time we’ve gone there, haha! When I changed his diaper, it looked like someone poured green paint in it. It was literally as green as the grass!! Denise called daycare while we were at the appt. and they said that the children were playing with paint that afternoon and that he may have swallowed some. However, as horrifying as that sounds, they reassured her that all of there products are non-toxic just in case things like this happen! Gosh, the things kids get into…they can drive you nuts! Oh, and the next poop was normal, by the way lol!! Thank God it only happened once.

Anyway, we left the appt. all smiles and ready to get home!


When we got home, Carter had a big surprise!!!! His Sandbox was filled and ready to be enjoyed!


I ran in and got some of his sand toys….

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His little toes in the sand : )


He loves posing for the timer!

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Its not 100% done yet, but CJ, Carl, & Uncle Mike were working on it today and they will continue to work more tomorrow to finish it up! Tonight they got the slide done and Carter had a blast going down it :) I can’t wait till its finished so we can have play-dates….. I’m excited!


The Vathes Family said...

I love his smile, it's so contagious... oh and his playground is looking pretty sweet too!!

Mandi said...

Angela, those pictures of you and Carter are ADORABLE!!

The Marsh's said...

The swingset is coming along SO good! Can't wait until its done so we can come over and playyyy! (the kids that is...not me and you...although if you want me to get in the sandbox with you I will!)

Jamie Claudia said...

I love the pictures of you and Carter playing in the sand box.. you look like you were having just as much fun as he was!!!

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Oh my goodness those pictures of you and Carter are amazing!!!

I LOVE the green poop story. I can only imagine what it looked like. Kids are so funny.