Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekend Recap

Hmm, lets see, where to begin? I’m exhausted, for starter’s! It hasn’t been a very pleasant last few days unfortunately. Thursday night after CJ & I got home from his game, Denise told me that she could hear Carter tossing and turning (& whining) over the monitor for a while. So, I went in and checked on him and he just seemed uncomfortable. He was congested and his temperature was 99.7 and although that’s not a fever, its still higher than his normal temp. I would know, I’m anal when it comes to taking temperatures!

The next day, Carter stayed home with Grammy. She took the day off because some cousin’s from FL. were coming to visit. I am glad it worked out that way because Carter’s temperature ended up going up to almost 101 and his throat swelled up like a balloon. 

By the time I got home from work, I could tell he was miserable so I decided to take him to Pediatric After Hours. The DR. there told me it was a virus, but I had a feeling it was something more and left there feeling uneasy with his diagnosis. I ended up taking him to his regular DR. the next morning because I wanted to get a second opinion. The Dr. at PAH told me he heard a heart murmur, so I wanted to get that checked as well.

Dr. Sait saw Carter and reassured me there was no heart murmur and he also confirmed what I thought Carter had…Tonsillitis. He had the same thing last year, on the same weekend! Isn’t that crazy? He wrote us a prescription for Amoxicillin and said Carter should start feeling better by Monday!

Well, today is Monday and he does seem to be feeling a little better. So far, no fever this morning and his throat looks less swollen!! Last night was the first night we all actually got a good, well rested sleep! Carter slept in until 7:30 this morning, Thank God…we needed the sleep ;) And, he woke up cheerful and even said “I feel betta” So we’ll see.

Okay, I think that sums it up! Here are some pictures from the weekend. I didn’t take many, but here they are…


I tried to get a good picture of his throat, but this is all I could get. If you look at the left side you can see how its red and swollen…. This pic definitely doesn't show how bad it really was though.


Mouth full of teeth IMG_3668IMG_3670



Here,  he said “I talkin to Tojo”


Finally starting to feel better…eating french toast sticks for breakfast



Caleb's mom said...

I love Dr. Sait! Glad he's doing better!

The Marsh's said...

Glad your feeling better Carter! Wow, that's a lot of teeth...guess I have LOTS more of the teething phases to go through with ryder, fun fun!

The Vathes Family said...

So glad he's feeling better, I def see the redness in his mouth... poor little guy must have been miserable =(

Karen Reitz-Wood said...
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Karen Reitz-Wood said...

I can see how red his little mouth is!!! That is crazy!

Steven stopped by there last night, he said y'all weren't there so he talked to Carl. : )