Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Holy Crap!"

(This is a funny story from our evening running errands last night!)

Yesterday after work CJ, Carter, & I headed out to get a few things we needed. With Carter starting Soccer tonight I wanted to get him some long johns, some shorts, and cleats…, we also needed a couple household items. Well, the whole ride up the road Carter was very quiet. He had this “attitude” and just kept saying “I wanna go home”! I think he was just tired, but nonetheless we told him to be a good boy and we wouldn’t be long. He was great at Sports Authority, although he did want everything in sight LOL! “Mommy I wanna helmet!”, “Mommy, I ride dis bike?”, “I wanna baseball bat!” etc. Although we didn’t find shorts that fit, we did get him a pair of cleats for $5 and a baseball bat & ball set he liked that was $6. I try to teach him that he can’t always get a toy when we’re out and we don’t, but this time was an exception :)

After leaving Sports Authority, we headed to Target. Well, when we pulled into the parking lot and found a space do you know what came out of this child’s mouth? He said “hey mommy, guess what? Holy Crap!” and then laughed hysterically! At first, CJ and I laughed too because it came out of nowhere, but after about the 3rd or 4th time saying it, I told him those words aren’t nice and we don’t talk like that! He did stop saying it and then we went inside, but I just thought it was too funny not to share! I have no clue where he heard that from either because no one in our house ever says that. My only guess is other children in daycare, but who knows.

Once inside Target, it was an experience for sure. This is the first time Carter has acted up so bad in a store that I had to take him out. Usually he is a very good boy, but not this time. He was throwing things out of the cart, yelling, kicking his shoes off and throwing them, talking back to CJ, etc. So, after many warnings to “Be good, sit down or we have to leave, etc” I carried him out of there and CJ finished shopping! He cried the whole way out of the store until I got him strapped in his seat. What’s funny is that last week when I was in Target (again lol!) I saw a mom there with her children and the littlest one was acting up BAD. She screamed the whole time they waited in line to pay and the whole way out of the store. Once they walked out I thought to myself, “Glad that’s not my kid!” and now look, a week later I am eating my words because I had to go through almost the same thing, HA! Parenthood, you gotta love it.
Once he calmed down I explained to him that he doesn’t act like that, it’s not allowed. I told him to apologize to Daddy when he got in the car and once CJ did, Carter said “Daddy, I sorry, Daddy!” That little rascal, can’t stay mad at him very long ;)

The End.


Karen Reitz-Wood said...

The things that come out of their mouths, right? Sheesh! That's funny!

Nicole said...

haha - they learn a lot of great things from the big kids at daycare :)

The Marsh's said...

LOL, I hate when my words come back to bite me in the butt! Can't wait to see him in his new soccer gear!

The Vathes Family said...

Funny story lol so much greatness I have to look forward to with Maddy ;-) I know I've thought the same thing when I see a child have a melt down in the store... that would never be my child! HA YEAH RIGHT!! ;-)