Thursday, April 28, 2011

25 Week Dr. Appointment


I am 25 weeks today, whoo hoo! ; )


  • Weighs about 1 1/2 pounds and is 13 1/2 inches long.
  • Is growing more hair, with a distinctive color and texture and everything.


  • Have a uterus the size of a soccer ball.
  • Have probably noticed a decent increase in your belly size over the past few weeks — your fundal measurements (the length between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus) grew about an inch-and-a-half in the past four weeks alone.
  • May start experiencing uterine contractions soon, if you haven’t already.


Definitely feeling the part about how my uterus is the size of a soccer ball!


A side view of my bare bump


This week I’ve been feeling Callie kick ALOT! Her kicks are getting so strong now and she will kick and kick, and kick for what seems like all day! I’m glad she is so active though, it gives me peace of mind! CJ loves it too because he gets to feel her all the time now. I also finally got Carter to feel her kicking the other night. I knew he felt it too because as soon as she did it, he looked at me and smiled :) I can’t wait until they can finally meet!

As for any other pregnancy symptoms, they’ve really been pretty ‘by the book’. I’ve had heartburn, but not too bad and nothing Tums wont fix! I’ve been craving a lot of McDonalds lately – Filet o’ fish sandwich’s to be exact! Bad, I know! The good part is that I haven’t fulfilled that craving too much, just here and there. I definitely feel like my appetite has picked up more now though.

I’ve still been having Braxton Hicks contractions through out the day, but nothing out of the norm! As for my energy, as long as I'm up and walking around or doing something, I’m good to go! At work sitting at my desk is when I feel like I could just fall asleep, I get so tired there! Also at night, I’m usually ready for bed pretty early.

Okay now onto my doctor’s appointment:

Today went really good. My blood pressure was 110 over 60, so its low, but nothing concerning. I’ve always had low blood pressure actually. My weight has jumped since my last check up…I’ve gained 8 lbs since my last visit putting me at a total gain of 16 so far, I think! The baby’s heart rate was good and strong and my belly was measuring right on target! Doctor Ali did tell me to get over the counter vitamin D pills to start taking once a day. Maybe once I start taking them regularly my energy will pick up some, since vitamin d deficiency is known to cause fatigue! Other than that, he wants to see me back in 3 weeks on May 19th and I will do my glucose test then :)


Nicole said...

You look great! That belly is finally starting to really show :). Glad your appt went well, I got switched to thursday for my appt next week, so if I'm still pregnant on the 19th maybe we'll be there together :)

Mandi said...

I love that belly!!! :)

Diana said...

LOVING that belly; you're so cute pregnant!! I feel like this pregnancy has pretty much flown by :)

The Marsh's said...

Awww your belly is SO cute!!! And i know what you mean, sitting at a desk all day makes you SO tired!