Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday!!

This Easter was very special because it was the last one that Carter had as an only child. Next year he will be sharing a basket (or they will each get their own!) with Callie! Plus, as he gets older, holiday’s just seem to get even more fun and exciting!

This year the Easter Bunny brought a cool Baseball bucket filled with candy and a couple surprises :)


Saying cheese with a mouth full of candy




Trying on his new baseball shirt from the Easter Bunny!


After going through the candy and goodies, we ate breakfast and got ready for church. As it turns out though, we didn’t even end up making it to church! Long story short, we just didn't get there in time and although I was pretty disappointed that we missed, we did have a good time at my parents house before coming home.


My family decided to come over to visit for the day! Its been a while since they’ve been over and they had never seen our finished pier before…so we took them down to the water to see after our mini egg hunt in the back yard!      2011_04_24_5175




  After our walk on the pier in the heat (I thought it was SO hot yesterday!) we came inside and ate and talked for a while! Then after my family left, Carter and I came back outside to play. We turned on the hose and had a blast splashing in the cool water. I didn’t realize it until Saturday night, but Carter got his very first sunburn at Maddy’s 1st birthday party. I didn’t even think to put sun block on him that day because it was actually pretty chilly at first, but his ears, face and neck sure did get red! At least he isn’t complaining about it, so that's good, but I felt so bad!!

Anyway, after playing outside until almost 6pm, we were pooped! I think I got Carter to bed before 7:30pm and that hasn’t happened in a while so I KNOW he was tired. Over all, it was a good day… A blessed day, and I couldn’t have asked for a better one!

PS. When we were outside playing, Carter told me he had to pee! So, being as he was all wet and  I didn’t want to drag him inside like that, I walked him over to his tree in the back yard and told him to go there! Well, he didn’t hesitate one bit, pulled his bathing suit right down and pee’d right on it! Haha, I just thought it was too funny not to share his first peeing outside experience! He was so proud of himself too! Ahh, the joys of being a boy ;)


The Marsh's said...

Ohhhh, no wonder Ryder's cheeks were all red on sunday! I couldn't figure out why, but it must have been from the sun on saturday, oops! That's so funny that Carter peed on the tree!

The Vathes Family said...

Maddy also had rosey cheeks and the top of her head was all red too =( poor child with no hair lol I should have known to put some block on her, what were we thinking?! lol Happy Easter to you all, love that finished peir! You guys are so lucky to live on such a beautiful property. We should do another picnic out there this summer, just sayin ;)

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Happy Easter! We missed you on Sunday!

Unknown said...

Sorry you missed church but you can just watch that cute movie you got Carter! I love his baseball shirt too. It was a hot day. it was 90 here. Oh and you will start to be accustomed to those tree pees!