Friday, April 8, 2011

Something To Talk About

There have been so many times where Carter and I will have a conversation and I think to myself "I should really blog about this!" and then for whatever reason, I completely forget! Well, from now on, I plan to update on the crazy things that come out of this kids mouth. He is growing up too fast for me not to!

A little background story to better understand this convo:

Carter is very particular about his outfits. Every morning he has to pick out his jeans (they MUST be jeans!) shirt and shoes for the day. Very seldom do I get lucky enough that he lets me pick, usually whatever I pick he does not want to wear! And he has to have his jeans, no sweat pants for this child. Well, this morning he had to wear sweat pants (mind you, these are cute Children's Place sweats & he still does not like them!) because all of his jeans were in the dirty laundry. Lets just say, he was not happy about it at all and left with Grammy pretty grumpy!

About 15 minutes ago I get an email from Denise about the conversation they had this morning on the way to daycare... it reads...

On the ride in this morning we get to LaPlata and are at the traffic light.

Carter: "Grammy, can you wash my jeans?"
Grammy: "I will after work today."
Carter: "Can you call my mom and tell her you will wash my jeans?"
Grammy: "Can I call her when I get to work?"
Carter: "Can you call on now on the cell phone?"
Grammy: "Carter, I will wash the jeans after work because I have lots of clothes to wash today. Anyway, I like your jogging pants they are comfortable and Daddy wears jogging pants."
Carter: (Very firm) "I Don't Like Jogging Pants for School!"
Grammy: "I got an idea. Do you want to change into jeans when we get to school because there is a pair in your cubbie."
Carter: (Happy) "There is? Jeans in my cubby?"
Grammy: "Yes we can change into them as soon as we get to school if that will make you happy."
Carter: "Yes grammy I want to put on my jeans and then it will be all better."

This kid is too much :)


Diana said...

Oh my gosh Angela, that is absolutely HILARIOUS!!! What a little fiesty guy you have on your hands ;) Leave it to Grammy to make it all better :) So cute!

The Marsh's said...

Hahaha, so particular!! Good thing Grammy knew about the jeans in his cubby! The girls at school must not like guys in sweats!

Unknown said...

That is too cute! Bradley is particular about his clothes now and the preschool teacher told me lots of kids his age are like that so Carter is doing it much earlier. You do have a determined one on your hands!