Thursday, March 31, 2011

Appointment With The New OB


I had my first appointment at Dr. Ali’s office this morning and it went really good! I left so relieved and I feel great :) Here’s a little run down on my appointment:

After about a 10 minute wait, I got called back!! I know it wont be this fast every time, but this is a good start ;) Then, the nurses weighed me and took my urine. Weight is the same since my appointment last week, 112lbs, so around 8lbs gained.

After about 15 minutes in the back room, Dr. Ali came in. He was very nice and made me feel comfortable right away! He did ask why I left my old OB’s office and I just explained to him the little things here and there that they’d done to make me feel uneasy and he understood completely! I also told him that many of my friends come to him and right away he goes “Well you should have come here in the first place then!” and laughed then said “Well, this is your new home now, we will take care of you!” which I thought was so nice!

After that small talk, he went over all of my information with me. All of my paper work from Dr. Alawodes office and then some additional info for his office. Then, he went over my sonogram with me. He said either the tech or the nurse wrote my due date wrong on the report, but after measuring me and going over my period and my two sonograms, he feels confident with a due date of August 11th 2011. That makes me 21 weeks today instead of 20 weeks and 2 days. So, from now on my weekly updates will be on Thursday’s not Tuesdays :)

We also went over my ‘birth plan’ and he feels that another C-Section is the safest option for me and our baby girl. He said because of how my labor went and the complications that occurred, he felt another cesarean was the best option, so we are looking around the 4th of August for a delivery date, but its not set in stone yet!

Next we went over my sono report. He said that the baby is growing ‘beautifully’ and everything looked just perfect on the sonogram. She is right on target for growth in all areas and there is nothing to worry about! That was so good to hear because I have been worrying and stressing over it since last week. Her heart, brain, kidneys, etc…everything looked great!!

One thing he did notice is that my iron levels are low. So, he has put me on Vitocon (sp) C, a supplement to take additional to my prenatal vitamins once a day! Other than that, everything looked good. The baby’s heart rate was 160 and I was measuring 21 weeks exactly! Before I left the nurses took some blood to check my vitamin D levels and gave me a TB shot.

My next appointment is April 28th and I’ll be 25 weeks :) Thanks again for all you momma’s out there that referred me to him!! Sorry no pictures this week, I still don’t have my camera back yet! I will try and post a belly shot with a cell phone pic later.


The Marsh's said...

Glad your appointment went so well, sounds like you'll be much happier at this place!

Nicole said...

So glad you liked him! And it sounds like he spoiled you for your first visit, I had to wait an hour on Monday! haha. But he's worth the wait :).

Diana said...

I am SOOOOO happy that you LOVE Dr. Ali! He is the best, I swear! You sound like you really like him and feel comfortable and that makes me happy :)