Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother’s Day 2011

I had another great Mother’s Day this year and I am so thankful for the amazing people in my life. CJ and Carter definitely pampered me and made my day extra special! I even got to spend some time with my sister at a friends Bridal Shower, which was nice since we don't get time together that often with our busy schedules. My beautiful mom baked me a Mother’s Day cake and even though we didn't get to do lunch like we had planned, we are going to make up for it this upcoming Sunday :) Overall, it was a busy, but wonderful day!

Amanda & I at Jessica’s shower


Jacob and Klhoe


Some of the ladies

Jessica's Bridal Shower

pretty girls

My gifts… A necklace Carter picked out for me at the Christmas Tree Shoppe store :)


And my Ohhh soo comfy new sweats CJ got me!!


Carter watching one of his new favorite shows, He-Man! I just think its so funny how he gets so into these shows and stands so close! I have to constantly tell him to back up!!


It was such a good day! I am so blessed and thankful to have such a wonderful family and friends! Happy Mother’s Day!!


The Marsh's said...

Cute pic of you & amanda!! Glad you had a good Mother's day, you deserve it :)

The Vathes Family said...

I was just about to say that too - love that picture of you and your sis!! Can you believe next mothers day you'll have two babies to celebrate with?! So crazy!! Glad you had a nice mamas day =)

Unknown said...

Those are perfect gifts, so thoughtful of your two guys!! Happy Belated Mothers Day!

Diana said...

Happy Mother's Day :) Carter and Callie are so lucky to have a momma like you! You and your sister look so much alike, it's so cute! Glad you had a great day :)