Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Three Year Old Stuff


Its been a long while (too long) since I’ve updated on what my three year old boy has been up to and is accomplishing these days!  There have been so many funny things said, laughs shared, and milestones met, that I am really mad at myself for not remembering to blog right then and there as things have happened. But, that's just how life goes sometimes, we get busy, its only normal.  I just have to try my best to update… so here it goes!

First on my list of updates is potty training. I think I can almost officially say that Carter is potty trained now!!! He wears underwear everyday all day and even to bed, only having accidents here and there, so he is doing really good! He has been doing wonderful throughout the night, only wetting the bed once so far! He has mastered peeing on the potty and outdoors ;) Pooping is the area where we still have accidents on occasion, but they are becoming less frequent and he is really trying so I am very proud of him! He even asks me sometimes after he’s pooped on the potty “Mommy are you still proud of me?” and of course it melts my heart and I say “Yes baby, I'm very proud of you!”

Here is the “censored” version of my boy doing one of the many fun things boys can do outside, PEE!! :)


I crack up because he will pull his pants down all the way to his ankles before he goes! Good thing we don’t have neighbors ;)

Okay now onto other fun things going on in Carter’s world. He is doing great in the Pre-School classroom. The other day was my first time picking him up from the new class and it does look way different than the toddler room! The kids are so much bigger and he even has his own BIGGER cubby that his back pack hangs in! He tells me when he gets home about his day…who he played with and that he “learned alot of new fings!” as he’s said before! I know he is learning because one day a few weeks ago we were in his room cleaning up and he (out of no where) says “S -T -O- P spells STOP Mommy!”  So I said, "Wow buddy, good job! Where did you learn that?" And he said "From my teacher at school!" I thought that was pretty awesome! Pretty soon I’ll have him spelling his name, I just know it ;)

Hmmm, what else is new?! Oh,  he loves to sing along to his favorite show Caillou and knows almost all the words. He loves Rock n Roll music (especially CJ's Guns n Rose's CD) and makes us turn the radio up super loud so he can fist pump and do the air guitar Lol! “Paradise City” and “Welcome to the Jungle” are his favorite’s so far! Also,  every night we read a couple books for bed. I always let Carter go to his bookshelf and pick the ones he wants. Well, we have the “Hickory, Dickory Dock book and near the end of it, it says “The clock struck seven, his prayers went to Heaven”. Well tonight after I read that part, Carter said the cutest thing!  He said “Mommy guess what…God lives in Heaven. Its up in da sky, we have to take a plane to get there! Yea, dats a good idea!!” I just laughed and said “ Yes buddy, you’re right, God is in Heaven and its high in the sky!”

I just love the sweet, innocent things kids say at this age! I wish he could stay this little forever. He is growing so fast. He seems very excited that his little sister will be here next week and says he’ll be a good boy while I’m at the hospital :) And,  I know he’ll be fine! This weekend we’re going to try and take him somewhere fun before the big arrival next weekend. We haven’t made up our mind on what to do yet, but hopefully we can think of something good!

I think that’s it for this post. I can’t think of anything else at the moment…. but I do have some fun pool pictures to share!

poolday2011Poolfunsummer2011pool2011 pool2011(2)   poolsummer2011 splashingpool2011 

I know I also haven’t updated on my doctor’s appointment from last week. And tomorrow is my 38 week appointment!!!! I will definitely update on tomorrow’s visit and have a belly pic also. Tonight though, this momma’s gotta get some rest :)


Caleb's mom said...

Caleb always pulled his pants down like that too, always cracked us up. They grow so FAST! gosh. he's getting so big.

The Vathes Family said...

AWW lol he cracks me up!!! Yay for potty training and growing into such a smart, handsome little boy. I know he's going to be such a great big brother, I can't wait to see he and Callie together come next weekend :)))

The Marsh's said...

Hahaha that's hilarious that he said we have to take a plane to heaven!! I love how their little minds work! Good job on the potty training Carter :)

Anonymous said...

Can i suck your son's penis

Unknown said...

I love you people that talk about our kids relationship and then we can talk later today or tomorrow morning or on here we can talk on here.

Y Tú Pilin said...

Y El Niño Y Tu Pilin Y Tu Culo Me Lo Puedes Mostrar Y Tu Pilin Primero Y Tu Pilin, Pitó, Verga Pelenga Y El Tilin Y El Segundo En El Culo, Culo, Culo