Monday, November 29, 2010

Big News!

I have some WONDERFUL news to share! Last night, Carter pooped on the potty for the first time EVER!

I did not take a picture of his poo ;) But please believe we were jumping up and down with excitement! Honestly, it was a total surprise for all of us. Carter has been doing very well pee’ing on the potty, but we had not graduated to #2’s yet. I was not pushing it either because I figured he would go when he was ready. We’ve talked about it, but decided we would let HIM decide when it was the right time.

Well, last night I could see that he was having a hard time going in his diaper. When I asked him if he was okay, he said he wanted to go on the potty! So, of course I jumped on it and led him to the bathroom! At first, he was hesitant to sit down, but once he did-BOOM a miracle happened :) He was SOO proud of himself and we all clapped with excitement! I hope that this continues and soon no diapers will be needed… but we will let him go at his own pace! I am looking forward to seeing how things go :)


The Marsh's said...

Yay Carter!!! Gosh, wouldn't it be nice to not have to change diapers anymore?!

Mandi said...

YAH!!!! That's so awesome!! Good job Carter!

Diana said...

GOOD JOB CARTER!!! That's so exciting!! Such a big boy!