Thursday, June 25, 2009

Not feeling so good!!

If there is one thing I hate, its seeing my baby sick! At his age they are so helpless & small! They cant tell you what hurts & what doesnt. Well, exactly 7 days after getting his MMR & Chicken Pox vaccine, Carter came home from daycare today with a 102.6 fever. I called the doctor right away just to run it by them & they suggested that we bring him in, just to rule out a virus or infection. They took his temperature when we got there and it was down to 101, so they gave him some Motrin to help it go down more. They did a throat culture-That came back negative! They checked his ears-Both looked good! They checked his breathing-Perfect! Then they checked his blood- His white blood cell count was a little elevated, which indicates either a virus or an infection of some sort. Then they checked his eyes-not so good. Pink Eye in BOTH eyes :( poor guy!! The doctor said that Pink Eye can cause a fever and a stuffy nose sometimes ( I have never heard that before, but hes the doctor i guess) Anyway, so his fever could be from that & the shots! A double whammy to say the least! They want to see him again tomorrow to re-check his white blood cell count and make sure it isnt higher, it should be going down! Hopefully everything looks good tomorrow and his fever starts going away!!
Here he is sleeping tonight

sweet dreams

before bed i re-checked his temperature and it was 99.7 so thats alot better!! hopefully it stays down! He is due for Motrin around 11:30 tonite!

Good night everyone :)
Wish Carter luck at the Doctor tomorrow!!


The Marsh's said...

Aww Carter Man, I hope you feel better soon little buddy!

Caleb's mom said...

Hope he feels better! Such a cute little guy.

Jenn said...

Aww poor baby :( Hope he gets well soon!

Nicole said...

The exact same thing (fever) happened to Mikayla exactly 7 days after her shots! She also got a rash which I think was from them too! Hers only lasted 2-3 days so hopefully he's feeling better soon!